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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Server refuses to start MTS/Shared connection
I have 2 non-production databases than run on the same server. Both
are Both configured very similarly. All parameters are very
similar, except for some memory variables and SID specific variables.
Each has a corresponding listener listening on a different port
(1521/1524); listener is always started first (although, this might be
necessary anymore). The sid's are DEV1 and PROD.
The machine connecting to them has entries that are identical in tnsnames.ora file, except for SID/port (tried service_name too). However, DEV1 accepts shared/MTS connections, but PROD doesn't. The listener shows that dispatchers are registered with it. When I try to 'foce' MTS connection by setting SERVER=MTS, connection goes through, but goes through as DEDICATED (checked through v$session). In fact, a quick query of mts views shows that no mts connection has ever been made (listener services confirms that as well).
I am lost.. what to do? I tried to do TNS tracing, but can't make much of it.
Thanks for any help
We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes
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Received on Tue Jun 29 2004 - 16:23:06 CDT