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Oracle-L: by subject
- Elliott, Patrick (Thu Jul 27 2000 - 15:01:22 CDT)
- Weerd de E.C. Kirsten (Wed Jul 26 2000 - 03:01:20 CDT)
- Gogala, Mladen (Tue Jul 25 2000 - 10:58:14 CDT)
- LoughMiller, Gregory (Mon Jul 24 2000 - 14:14:57 CDT)
- Prasada R Gunda (Thu Jul 13 2000 - 10:16:01 CDT)
- Cale, Rick T (Richard) (Wed Jul 12 2000 - 12:10:46 CDT)
- Ruth Gramolini (Wed Jul 12 2000 - 12:32:17 CDT)
- Cydnee Williams (Wed Jul 12 2000 - 15:32:38 CDT)
- Zhong Hong (Mon Jul 31 2000 - 17:19:21 CDT)
- Tammy Bednar (Mon Jul 31 2000 - 18:51:34 CDT)
- "addr" of library cache latch from v$latch_children
- "CHILDREN" in lib cache dump
- "order by " clause confuses CBO
- (Fwd) EPN News: July 20, 2000 [20 year jobs study: Tech & USA economy]
- (Fwd) InternetWeek Newsletter, July 3, 2000
- (no subject)
- * Financials Apps DBA (and technical) positions..Charlotte, NC
- * New Requirement. DBA Needed in Rochester, MN..
- * Oracle DBAs still Needed in Chicago..
- * Sr. DBA/Team Lead Needed in Jacksonville, FL. Learn Peoplesoft..
- 2 NIC's in NT?
- 2 NICs on NT and Listener setup
- 32bit application
- 4 disks......
- 5 child latches means 5 lib cache hash chains ??
- 6508 error in oracle financials
- 8.1.6 install on AIX
- 816 to 815 downgrade problem ...
- <No subject>
- A peculiar problem with connections
- A Select Statement
- About veritas tool on unix
- Accesss to V$ tables to a developer
- Account administration guidelines
- Active Database and Passive Database
- Adding redo log member
- admin password reset!!
- Advance Repication info on Metalink
- Advanced Security Option
- Alter table drop column question in 8i
- alter table move command
- Analyze with estimate
- Analyze with rule based optimizer
- Analyzing schema abnormality
- Announcing Oracle8i Release 3
- Answer for PL/SQL - PROBLEM
- Anybody knows anything about lock type 'TC' ?
- Anyone with Sybase and Oracle knowledge on this list?
- Applying Application Patches - Help needed
- arch directory filled; restart ARCH process?
- archive log dir filling up
- Archive Logs
- Archivelog
- arclog destination size
- Asynchronous vs Synchronous
- Audit
- audits
- Autostart at boottime-Oracle8
- AW:
- AW: can't connect locally through Net8
- AW: Export - Compress
- AW: how to IMP lookup tables first, and referencing tables later
- AW: Moving datafiles
- AW: Password
- AW: Problem while scheduling Jobs
- AW: Resizing datafiles
- AW: SVRMGR error!!!
- AW: Unix Copy problem
- AW: V$session doubt
- Backup
- Backup Solutions
- batch interactive import
- Broadcasting from Oracle
- bulk binds in PL/sql
- Cache Table
- Call this one urgent !!!
- Can I changed a locally managed tablespace ?
- Can I changed a locally managed tablespace ?(Sorry COrrection
- Can the ibm cpu id number prevent Oracle normal operation?
- can't connect locally through Net8
- Canadian Conferences and other meetings
- cannot truncate a table
- Changing Password
- Checkpoint Secure Remote Client
- Chicago - Oracle Opportunites
- Client installation problem for Oracle Apps 11.03 in NT
- Client versions
- CLOB Trigger Help!!!???
- coding cursors in Java
- Collecting table statistics
- Combination of Raw Volumes and File Systems
- Combining Sybase and Oracle
- Comments on Why???
- Common variable in Packages
- complicated
- control character in init.ora
- Control file question
- Corrupting rollback segments
- CPUs and Oracle
- CPUs on NT, Linux - any plans for > 2 in standard edition - trolling ...
- Create Database Link in Oracle8
- Create Database Link in Oracle8 - fixed
- Create DB Link to MSSQL - Again!!
- Creating a user if it does not already exists using one SQL scrip
- Creation date of table
- CTL Files
- Current Record Indicator in Forms
- Cursors and result sets
- Data Dictionary Poster
- database create
- Database Link Problem
- Database links
- Database Management Tools
- Database Monitoring and Database Analysis
- database open trigger
- Database Recovery/copy
- database recreate problem
- Database role BECOME USER
- database server CPU is 100%
- Database Weirdness........
- Database/Applications/OS Certification
- Datafile size for backup consideration...
- Datawarehouse
- Date math
- Date math and TRUNC(SYSDATE).
- DB Block Buffers - Too Much ???
- DB Block Buffers - Too Much ??? - X$KCBRBH
- Db2 vs Oracle ?
- Db_block_size
- db_file_multiblock_read_count parameter
- db_files parameter
- DBA Checklist
- DBA suggestions request. Problem solved Thanks.
- DBartisan
- DBAs Needed for West Coast Practice..Must Travel..
- DBMS_JOB consistent scheduling
- dbms_obfuscation_toolkit
- dbms_obfuscation_toolkit !!!
- dbms_sql URGENT
- Dead connection detection
- delay in commit statements
- Deleting OracleServices
- Deploying applications on Win2K Terminal Server
- Deploying Database Packages
- Depolying Database Packages
- Desperately seeking Forms 4.5.7
- Developer 6 Mail option in report MAPI error [Urgent]
- Developer 6i on Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6
- Developer Forms Help
- Developer on Windows
- Difference among Developer 6 ,Developer & Developer I
- Disabling access of third party products
- Documentation regarding SQL Loader
- Does anyone use oraback.sh
- Does I need to increase the Semaphore for second database?
- Doubts on Sizing (fwd)
- Downed Database
- Download
- Dropping & re-Creating Sequences in PL/SQL
- Dropping Tablespaces - All Nighter
- DW Data Modelling
- easiest way to clone an existing database on a different (unix) h
- Epson DFX-5000+ driver
- Error installing 816 on Solaris 8 Intel
- Error linking 8i on Sun solaris
- error ORA-00443
- Errors creating Designer repository
- Excel to Oracle insert tool ?
- exp - imp problem
- EXP-00008
- Explain Plan Hangs. DBA on 3 week holiday, and his name is Mu
- Explain Plan Hangs. DBA on 3 week holiday, and his name is Murphy!
- Explain Plan Question
- Export - Compress
- extent management LOCAL size uniform 1M takes 1M space NOT 64K
- Extent size of locally managed tablespaces
- external procedure and connecting...
- EXTREMELY Urgent !!!!!!
- fatal error on two-task server, error = 12571
- File I/O using PL/SQL Cartridge..
- Financial Apps DBA Needed in San Jose, CA...
- Financials Apps DBA (and technical) positions..Phoenix, AZ
- Finding Indexes that are not being used
- FIXED_DATE parameter and incrementing time...
- For those of you interested!!
- Forcing user to log off
- Foreign Key constraint Script
- Forms 6i or Java
- free buffers : ageing index partitions from cache
- Free space below HWM
- Free space for all tablespaces
- Free space script
- friday greeting !!
- Funky date request......
- Funky date request......NEVERMIND!!!
- fuser
- fwd: No Rush At Oracle To Fill President Vacancy (article)
- HA or OPS on 8i
- Handling tables with very frequent inserts ....
- Help - SQL question
- Help in sqlplus
- Help needed: OCP exam_cram book questons
- help on UTL_FILE..
- Help! -Anyone running external C procedures on 64-bit AIX machine
- HELP! How to re-compile a Pro*C program
- Help!!! need Oracel vs Informix white paper
- Help: 2nd Req - Errors In alert log file
- Help: Errors In alert log file
- Here we go again...
- Here we go again...OCP
- Hextoraw and rawtohex
- hi stephen,
- Hindi as NLS
- Hot backup
- Hot backup [Netware]
- Hot Standby
- How Practical is a Federated Database?
- How to avoid Password in shell script
- how to delete the rows which are located in the bad data blocks
- How to do full export / import when using snapshots
- How to find no of blocks
- How to find objects blocks in buffer
- How To Get The Most Out of Oracle8i's Web Related Features Without Really Trying
- how to IMP lookup tables first - last
- how to IMP lookup tables first, and referencing tables
- how to IMP lookup tables first, and referencing tables later
- how to IMP lookup tables first, and referencing tables later ?
- How to include 3 line feed after each page in oracle report *.prt
- How to kill a user active session?
- How to tell when password expiring
- how to test the response time ?
- how to trace/log a specific session id ??
- How to update Oracle 7 to Oracle 8.1.5 on NT
- Howto return data > 4k from a stored procedure ?!
- HP UX-11 I/O vs Sun Solaris 2.6 I/O
- HP-UX 11.0 64-bit?
- HP-UX 11.0 64-bit? -- works with hack for solaris 32 bit
- I am so surprised about the "ctxsys"
- I need your all suggestions! Please give me suggestions.
- image pixels
- import 8.1.6 db to 8.0.4?
- Import from V7 to V8 fails
- index question
- Index with date column on it
- Indexes question
- Indexing a table
- info about ROWID?
- Init.Ora Parameters
- Installing 8.1.6 to SunSolaris
- Installing Oracle 8.1.6 on Hardened OS
- Installing Reports server...(Rel 6.0)
- insufficient priviliges
- Intermittent ORA-12500 errors
- Interview Qs -- Data Warehousing
- Invoking host command using PL/SQL..
- IP Address of a PC
- Is anyone using a Veritas Cluster in a failover configuration on Sun Solaris?
- Is it really a performance issue ?
- Is there anyone who can help???
- Is this a performance issue?
- Ixora newsletter - July 2000
- Java
- Java classes
- jDeveloper vs. Forms
- Jdeveloper3.0 to OAS Deploy
- Jdp
- Jinitiator problem
- Joining result set with another result set
- Jokes text
- Jrew.exe not found error on NT......
- KPRB stands for what?
- last index rebuild
- Length of a Long Raw field
- lib cache & sql area in V$SGASTAT
- lib cache latch - again
- Linux and MTS
- list procedure code
- listener problem ...
- listener.ora ENVS setting
- listener.ora params required ?
- listserv is very slow
- listserv is very slow [fyi: additional background info]
- loadjava procedure
- Locally managed temp tablespace
- Lock Doubt
- Lock table
- lock_name_space
- LOG_BLOCK_CHECKSUM default value & others?
- LONG data type
- Long Running Jobs From SQL Worksheet
- Long to Varchar2
- Looking for BroadVision forum or listserv, with questions
- Making database name part of SQL prompt in sqlplus
- Making database name part of SQL prompt in sqlplus [OpenVMS]
- Mass updates from one table to another
- max concurrent connections
- measuring the size of updates
- messages archive - asking for support.
- Metalink Itar responds in Record time !
- Microsoft "FLAW" !!!
- Mid-level DBAs Needed- Austin,Texas (not Dell)
- migrate 10.7 SC from win 95 to win 2000
- Migration - Ingres to Oracle
- migration manual
- Mishaving character set conversion Java stored proc. vs JDBC application
- Missing foreign key
- Missing foreign key - Oracle Note for 8i
- MM link question / HPUX
- monitor not working ....
- Monitor Script
- Monitoring Transactions
- Moving datafiles
- Moving datafiles - Thanx
- Multiple Buffer Pool
- need help
- Need role to grant for select on v$database
- Need script to copy and then truncate/tail alert log
- Need some help understanding RMAN with full and incremental
- Need some help understanding RMAN with full and incremental backups
- Need SQL to select and recreate indexes in database
- neighbor table overflow(on linux)
- New Table Sizing ... but whhhyyyy???
- nls parameters
- No PL/SQL Timer Function
- Non-performant queries
- NYOUG September meeting
- OAS, Solaris - config writes 0 byte wrb.app/site.app
- OAS vs. Jonas
- OAS-RadioButton
- Object Features
- Object type, Object tables and methods(Tuning)
- OCI and deferred mode
- OCISessionBegin gives ORA-01005
- ocp
- OCP - 8 or 8i? Self Test Software?
- OCP guidance
- OCP guidance(ranting)
- OCP guidance(ranting)...OCP makes us ACTIVE !!!
- OCP Practice Test.......
- ODBC driver & DSN conf. for solaris
- ODBC-dll name for 8.1.....
- Odd math
- Odd math - correction
- OEM 2.0.5 db flag stays red
- OEM 2.1 management server startup fails from dos window
- OEM and Intelligent Agents
- OEM Configuration(privs error)
- OEM issue!!
- Off Message: Hello... Ivan..... mail bouncing.....
- Off the subject
- Off Topic - cultural enrichment fridays (San Francisco public radio web stream)
- Off topic --- How you give weekly status report ???
- OFF TOPIC -: Anyone attending the Oracle8i Data Server Internal
- Off topic : Relocating to the Bay area
- OFF TOPIC. UNIX. Anybody knows about sem-msl parameter?
- off topic: AIX question
- Off Topic: Anyone from Singapore????
- Off topic: OCP8 Practice Test.......
- Off Topic: SQL-Backtrack
- OFF TOPIC:karma v1.0, finally
- OFF-TOPIC Loose and lose
- off-topic: perl printing
- OFF-TOPIC: SQL Server and Sybase
- Offtopic on Solaris Auditing
- ok, no ROWID's as ID, what should i use instead? :-)
- On-line reorg
- Online redolog corrupt
- Operating System Block Size???
- OPS on Digital unix 4.0f/TCR 1.6 and Oracle 8.1.5
- Optimal size of datafiles ?
- Optimizer behavior
- ora 01002 - Please help
- Ora 1652
- Ora 1652 (HEADLINE: purist DBA police raid remote Canadian
- Ora 1652 (HEADLINE: purist DBA police raid remote Canadian Agency!!!)
- ora 4031
- ORA 600
- ora 600 [17182]
- ora-00205
- ora-01113 and ora-01110
- ORA-01122,ORA-1110,0RA-1208
- ORA-01489 -- error
- ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant
- ORA-01981: CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this
- Ora-04031
- ORA-06522 : read Export : bad magic - Urgent
- ORA-12545
- Gurgaon, DBA (CAP, GECSI, CONTRACTOR) (Mon Jul 10 2000 - 00:09:08 CDT)
- Gurgaon, DBA (CAP, GECSI, CONTRACTOR) (Mon Jul 10 2000 - 00:25:57 CDT)
- Gurgaon, DBA (CAP, GECSI, CONTRACTOR) (Mon Jul 10 2000 - 00:09:08 CDT)
- Gurgaon, DBA (CAP, GECSI, CONTRACTOR) (Mon Jul 10 2000 - 00:25:57 CDT)
- SENTHILKUMAR NALLATHAMBI (Mon Jul 10 2000 - 04:50:55 CDT)
- SENTHILKUMAR NALLATHAMBI (Fri Jul 07 2000 - 00:55:16 CDT)
- Jack van Zanen (Fri Jul 07 2000 - 03:12:53 CDT)
- ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
- ORA-1839 Date not valid for month specified
- ORA-1839 Date not valid for month specified]
- ORA-25352
- ORA-28579 during Intermedia indexing
- ORA-3113 when exec. initjvm.sql ...
- Ora-600 error
- Oracle 8.1.5 on mainframe
- Oracle 81 on redhat 6.2
- Oracle 8i
- Oracle 8i and MS IIS on same server - is this okay?
- Oracle 8i]
- Oracle alert log to cell phone
- oracle and citrix over vsat
- Oracle and Record Locking
- Oracle and SqlNet behind a firewall
- Oracle Application server
- Oracle AppWizard for Microsoft Visual Interdev
- Oracle article
- Oracle column level encryption?
- Oracle copyright question
- Oracle DBA Handbook scripts
- Oracle DBA Needed in Jacksonville, Florida..
- Oracle DBAs Needed in Minneapolis, MN..
- Oracle error with Perl
- Oracle Forms / PostalSoft Integration
- Oracle Forms4.5 error- DBA suggestions request.
- Oracle Forms4.5 Item color weird behaviour.
- Oracle HA ..
- Oracle installtion guidelines [NT]
- Oracle manual : Greater O/S block size......
- Oracle Names - Help
- Oracle Names: The Valley of Discovery
- Oracle Parallel Server
- Oracle Parallel Server-urgent
- Oracle PDF Documentation
- oracle report margin adjustment
- Oracle Reports question
- Oracle Shakeup
- Oracle Support Matrix Question re. "NT4 SP5+"
- Oracle VS Informix white papers needed
- Oracle's Greed
- Oracle's Greed [high training costs]
- Orcle management server
- OS environment variables in spool file
- OT -- NT Backup (was uptime )
- OT: Centura Builder, good or bad..?
- OTRACE Archeology
- Outsourcing "Production" DBA work?
- package to check if the input chars are number
- Partioning Option Free in 8i.
- Passing the "&" in PL/SQL
- Password
- Password command
- patch information
- Patches
- Patches for Solaris8
- pctfree and pctused values -- results of a little test
- pctincrease --SYS objects
- People what is Oracle Rdb ? NOT URGENT, ok !
- peoplesoft HRMS users
- Perl Script - deleting lines
- Perl scriting question - system command does not work for inbuilt
- ping
- ping (Joke)
- PL/SQL contract opportunity in Midwest
- pl/sql table problem
- pl/sql table size
- Please share your knowledge
- Porting dates to oracle
- Post-Database creation scripts
- Privileges
- Pro*C-Array of structs
- Problem in the DB Link
- Problem while installing developer2000
- Problem while scheduling Jobs
- Problems with PL/SQL - URGENT
- Process flow of a transaction
- Process problem with OEM
- Putting table records into sql server.
- queries too slow
- Query on Database Link
- Query too complex
- question
- Question on x$kcbfwait
- Questions Regarding Oracle Replication Objects
- Quick SQL Q.
- R: Transparent Gateway
- RAID hardware information
- Raising a TAR with Metalink
- Raw Devices v.s. File System
- Ray Lane stepping down
- Re : 4 disks.......
- RE : Date math
- RE : Finding Indexes that are not being used
- RE : package to check if the input chars are number
- RE : Recovery in a Replicated environment
- RE : Unix Copy problem
- RE queries too slow:
- READ ONLY IF YOU RUN B.S.C.S (LHS billing application).- Please d
- Real world OCP
- Rebuilding Indexes
- Recall:
- Recovery in a Replicated environment
- Recovery until point in time...
- Recovery with hot backup
- red flag for OEM repository -- fixed
- redo logs
- Reg:Differences on Backup and recovery on Oracle 7.X and Oracle 8
- Regarding Backup
- Regarding Database links
- Regarding ERWin
- Relation job_queue_processes btw. and Intermedia indexes
- Removing datafiles
- Reorganising a database
- Repartion 500mil Row Table
- Replication
- Report Server working on the web?
- report.txt
- report.txt - Thanks
- reports -> XL NO DDE
- Reports Server 6i error...REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracl
- Reports timing out
- Resizing datafiles
- Retrieval Query
- Reverse engineer passwords
- Reverse engineering of indexes in
- RMAN - Catalog database maintained at a central location shared
- RMAN - tag's question
- RMAN Backup Error
- rman problem
- rman problem revisted
- RMAN, EMC and Omniback
- RMAN-10031:ORA-1400 error during RMAN backup
- Role based security
- Rollback segments offline on database restart
- Round or Trunc numbers
- Running 8i on Solaris 8
- Running programs from a stored database procedure
- Scaling up Oracle database on HP-UX
- Scheduled Jobs in OEM not running
- Schema Sizing
- Script from Jared Urgent
- Secure connections via JDBC
- select for update
- Selecting a LOB using DBI & DBD:Oracle
- Senior DBA Job Opening in Vancouver, BC, Canada
- sequences
- set transaction bug?
- Setting up RMAN
- SGA is bigger in Oracle 8.1.6 as compared to 8.1.5 or 8.0.4
- Shared memory question on HP 10.20
- Shared Pool Flushed Frequently
- Show Oracle products and versions
- Shutdown Abort on NT and memory leaks
- single file, or single mount point? (minimal setup on PC server)
- Sizing Doubt
- Sizing of shared_pool
- slightly off topic : salaries in NJ/NY area
- Slightly off topic: Need info about experiences using 8i Java st
- Slightly OT : Latest tpC benchmark results - without Oracle!
- slow query
- Slow-running Data Load from one day to next
- SMON - Killed process
- Snapshot based Replication : Master table truncate
- Snapshot too old
- Solaris-Oracle Question
- SOLVED - FULL EXP not create USER while IMP
- Something way cool
- Somewhat Offtopic....Anyone got any ideas????
- sorting and pga for non-mts
- sp1us.msb message file not found
- Spatial Option - Oracle 8.1.5 on Solaris
- SQL Development question
- SQL Function
- SQL Question - Sum with group by
- SQL Server into Oracle
- SQL WORKSHEET Connected but no version information available
- sql%found problem
- SQL*Loader
- SQL*Loader defaultif?
- SQL*Plus configuration
- SQL*Plus configuration - Been there/Done that
- SQL*PLUS Help you can create it!
- SQLDBA, Monitor, and OEM
- sqlldr question: How to set control file to load variable length data?
- SQLLoader and RR date format
- SQLPLUS 8.1.5 NT causes Dr. Watson error
- Sr. Oracle DBA for a Dallas Opportunity. NO Travel..
- Standby Mode
- Standby Recovery Errors - Pls Help
- start/stop-skript sunos5.7/EE8.1.5
- starting up oem website on Solaris
- startup/shutdown problem - long
- store image file in the database ?
- Storing User ID's and Passwords
- storing word docs and merging user data
- Storing word document on database and merging data into them
- Strange import errors
- Striping on O/S or Database level........
- Stupid trigger problem
- sub: Difference between Multi-threaded, dedicated and parellel
- Sun Solaris 2.6/5.6, Oracle 8.0.6 and SHMMAX
- Sun Solaris 2.6/5.6, SHMMAX and physical RAM
- Surrogate Keys
- Surrogate keys (Oracle list posting)
- SVRMGR error!!!
- Synonym
- syslog
- Table design --ask opinion
- Table sizing Q
- Table with Long datatypes?
- Tablespace extent question
- tablespace resize Q
- Techent download problems - info needed
- Technet download problems
- Technet Users get FREE tools?
- Technical Papers on Metalink??
- Tell me about the confused OCP.
- Temp segments weirdness (was Stastpack problem or maybe k$kglob table problem)
- Test. Ignore
- Thanks for help.
- THANKS. OFF TOPIC. UNIX. Anybody knows about sem-msl parameter?
- Thanks: queries too slow
- The BIG picture - Advanced file system
- The Following Error at the sql prompt? What is the problem and Solution
- time zone
- Tips for Building the Designer2000 Repository
- TNSLsnrctl not starting
- tnsping error
- Totally OFF TOPIC - HTML Book.
- Trace file problem again
- tracesvr80.map
- Trailing blanks in DBMS_OUTPUT
- Transparent Gateway
- Transporting CLOB data without exp/imp...
- trigger to be used when message "do u want to save" appear
- Troubles installing Oracle 8.1.5 on AIX, this time 4.3.3
- Troubles installing Oracle 8.1.5 on AIX, this time 4.3.3 - So
- Troubles to install Oracle 8.1.5 on AIX 4.3.2
- Tuning Question
- Unix : How to cut a file into pieces?
- Unix admin user time out
- UNIX alias question
- Unix Copy problem
- Unix Question
- UNIX question du vs df -> large discrepancy
- Unix Shell Scripts
- Update partitioning column
- Update/Insert CLOB in a trigger
- Upgrade 10.7SC to 11i
- Upgrade 8.1.5 -> 8.1.6
- Upgrade from 8.0.5 to 8.0.6
- Upgrade from 8051 to 816
- uptime
- Urgent - Export trick needed
- URGENT - NT Recovery - procedure needed for hot backup
- URGENT - NT Recovery - procedure needed for hot backup recove
- URGENT - NT Recovery - procedure needed for hot backup recovery
- Urgent Help Required OAS
- Urgent Help: JDeveloper & Exception
- URGENT on Sunday !!! Database startup failed !!!
- URGENT..File upload using java cartridge of OWAS 3.0
- Urgent: Distributed_lock_timeout
- Urgent: NT 8.0.5 restarted after 76 days, now slow
- User job isn't working
- USing RMAN to do hot backup of db on NT
- Using triggers with CLOBS?
- V$ View poster?
- V$ Views Poster
- v$session doubt
- VC 6.0 and Oracel 8.1.5 on NT
- Veritas Quick IO
- Very Urgent - Problem with starting Oracle service in WinNT
- visual prog for designing the database layout?
- waaaay off-topic: Yahoo!! I'm back!
- Wait Events - performance stats
- Web enabled program
- webDB
- Weird Bug: One schema accessing another schema's data
- When the db was last accessed..
- When to Partition
- Where do SMP* tables come from?
- where to alter the path of redologs
- White papers
- White papers - going off-topic - copyright
- Why does a simple delete takes 12 hours and longer ?
- Windows NT login in Forms
- x$ tables info
- Yahoo! Auto Response
- your mail
- ΄πΈ΄: Re
- Last message date: Mon Jul 31 2000 - 23:47:58 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Sep 26 2004 - 23:51:53 CDT