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My results with MTS were just great back in the 7.2+ days. But since the
introduction of 8.x it's been very spotty. I've seen init.ora parameters for
the dispatchers behave in ways I did not expect (set max_dispatchers to 30 and
sure enough all 30 will start at db startup). I've seen shared servers crash
the instance when the connection load raises above some "predefined" value
(don't ask why, but one db will crash when the number of connections raises to
100, like clock work, while in dedicated server it carries on for 300 or more).
I've called OWS many a time & have about 10 TARs all for the same basic problem
(MTS Misbehaving). Is there a cure out there somewhere??? (HP-UX 10.20 & 11.0)
Dick Goulet
____________________Reply Separator____________________Subject: Re: Linux and MTS
Well, it's been 3+ years since working on MTS, but it worked reliably on Oracle 7.2 at that time.
I would suspect a bug in the Linux release. Have you checked MetaLink for this?
On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Jonathan Gennick wrote:
> I'm working MTS under Linux, and I've noticed that the
> operation of ALTER SYSTEM SET MTS_DISPATCHERS is unreliable.
> Sometimes when I use that command to add new dispatchers, it
> works, and other times the instance crashes. My crash rate
> when attempting to change MTS_DISPATCHERS on the fly is
> probably 30-50%. Is this true on other platforms, or could
> this be the result of Oracle being relatively new to Linux?
> BTW, I'm running 8.1.6 on Red Hat 6.0.
> Jonathan
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Jared Still
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