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Edit the script and change the owner value and run the scripts. CreateAddRiScript.sql -- creates a script to add ri's back. CreateDropRiScript.sql -- creates a script to drop ri's.
Readme.txt -- tells you the steps to follow to drop a table.
<<CreateAddRiScript.sql>> <<CreateDropRiScript.sql>> <<README.txt>>
Santhosh Babu
Work: 336 698 2377 Home: 336 294 8076 Fax : 336 698 2385
> ----------
> From: Ashish Shah[]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 12:31 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Foreign Key constraint Script
> Hi All,
> Does any one have any script that will tell me
> a Table has been referenced (foreign key) in how many
> other tables. I had a tough time droping a table
> since
> it was refered by so many other table.
> I tried looking user_constraints but it doesn't give
> you information about primary table.
> TIA.
> =====
> Ashish
> Toronto, Canada
> __________________________________________________
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> Author: Ashish Shah
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;
set serveroutput on size 10000
set verify off
prompt /******************************************************************************** prompt *** This will create a file called AddRiScript.sql under c:\temp\ directory *** prompt ********************************************************************************/prompt
pk_cons_name varchar2(100);
pk_tab varchar2(30);
refcols varchar2(100);
fkeys varchar2(100);
drule varchar2(20);
cursor pk_or_uk is
select constraint_name main_cons_name, table_name
-- into pk_cons_name, pk_tab
from all_constraints
where owner = 'IBSDBA'
and constraint_type in ('P', 'U') and table_name = upper('&TName');
cursor fk_cur(cons_name varchar2) is
select table_name, constraint_name from all_constraints
where owner = 'IBSDBA'
and r_constraint_name = cons_name;
cursor cols(cons_name varchar2) is
select column_name
from all_cons_columns
where constraint_name = cons_name
order by position;
for main in pk_or_uk loop
for pkcols in cols(main.main_cons_name) loop refcols := refcols||pkcols.column_name||','; end loop;
refcols := substr(refcols,1,length(refcols)-1);
for fk in fk_cur(main.main_cons_name) loop
for fkcols in cols(fk.constraint_name) loop fkeys := fkeys||fkcols.column_name||','; end loop;
fkeys := substr(fkeys,1,length(fkeys)-1); select decode(delete_rule,'CASCADE',' ON DELETE CASCADE ',null)
into drule from all_constraints where constraint_name = fk.constraint_name; dbms_output.put_line('Alter table '||fk.table_name||' add constraint '|| fk.constraint_name||' foreign key ( '||fkeys||' ) references '|| main.table_name||'( '||refcols||' ) '||drule||';');fkeys := null;
end loop;
end loop;
spool off
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set pages 0
set head off
set pau off
set serveroutput on size 10000
set verify off
prompt /******************************************************************************** prompt *** This will create a file called DropRiScript.sql under c:\temp\ directory *** prompt ********************************************************************************/prompt
where a.owner='IBSDBA' and a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name and a.table_name = upper('&TName') and a.constraint_type in ('P','U')
Content-Disposition: attachment;