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RE: Foreign Key constraint Script

From: Channa, Santhosh, SITS <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:22:31 -0400
Message-Id: <>

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Edit the script and change the owner value and run the scripts. CreateAddRiScript.sql -- creates a script to add ri's back. CreateDropRiScript.sql -- creates a script to drop ri's.

Readme.txt -- tells you the steps to follow to drop a table.

 <<CreateAddRiScript.sql>> <<CreateDropRiScript.sql>> <<README.txt>>

Santhosh Babu

Work: 336 698 2377
Home: 336 294 8076
Fax : 336 698 2385


> ----------
> From: Ashish Shah[]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 12:31 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Foreign Key constraint Script
> Hi All,
> Does any one have any script that will tell me
> a Table has been referenced (foreign key) in how many
> other tables. I had a tough time droping a table
> since
> it was refered by so many other table.
> I tried looking user_constraints but it doesn't give
> you information about primary table.
> TIA.
> =====
> Ashish
> Toronto, Canada
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set serveroutput on size 10000
set verify off

prompt     /********************************************************************************
prompt      ***  This will create a file called AddRiScript.sql under c:\temp\ directory ***
prompt      ********************************************************************************/
prompt Enter the table name which u want to drop : accept tname
spool c:\temp\AddRiScript.sql

pk_cons_name varchar2(100);
pk_tab varchar2(30);
refcols varchar2(100);
fkeys varchar2(100);
drule varchar2(20);

cursor pk_or_uk is
  select constraint_name main_cons_name, table_name -- into pk_cons_name, pk_tab

    from all_constraints
   where owner = 'IBSDBA'

     and constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
     and table_name = upper('&TName');

cursor fk_cur(cons_name varchar2) is
  select table_name, constraint_name from all_constraints    where owner = 'IBSDBA'
     and r_constraint_name = cons_name;

cursor cols(cons_name varchar2) is
  select column_name
    from all_cons_columns
   where constraint_name = cons_name
   order by position;


  for main in pk_or_uk loop

  for pkcols in cols(main.main_cons_name) loop     refcols := refcols||pkcols.column_name||',';   end loop;

  refcols := substr(refcols,1,length(refcols)-1);

  for fk in fk_cur(main.main_cons_name) loop

    for fkcols in cols(fk.constraint_name) loop       fkeys := fkeys||fkcols.column_name||',';     end loop;

    fkeys := substr(fkeys,1,length(fkeys)-1);     select decode(delete_rule,'CASCADE',' ON DELETE CASCADE ',null)

      into drule
      from all_constraints 
     where constraint_name = fk.constraint_name;

    dbms_output.put_line('Alter table '||fk.table_name||' add constraint '||
	fk.constraint_name||' foreign key ( '||fkeys||' ) references '||
        main.table_name||'( '||refcols||' ) '||drule||';');
    fkeys := null;

  end loop;
  end loop;
spool off
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;

Content-Disposition: attachment;


set pages 0
set head off
set pau off
set serveroutput on size 10000
set verify off

prompt     /********************************************************************************
prompt      ***  This will create a file called DropRiScript.sql under c:\temp\ directory ***
prompt      ********************************************************************************/
prompt Enter the table name which u want to drop : accept tname
spool c:\temp\DropRiScript.sql
select 'alter table '||b.table_name||' drop constraint '||b.constraint_name||' ;'   from all_constraints a, all_constraints b
 where a.owner='IBSDBA'
   and a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name 
   and a.table_name = upper('&TName')
   and a.constraint_type in ('P','U')

spool off
set pages 40
set head on
set pau on
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Content-Disposition: attachment;


  1. Create a temp table for which ur trying 2 drop. SQL> create table temp_tablename as select *from tablename;
  2. Before going to drop a table first run "CreateDropRiScript.sql". This will create a file called "DropRiScript.sql" under "c:\temp\".
  3. Run "CreateAddRiScripts.sql". This will create a file called "AddRiScript.sql" under "c:\temp\".
  4. Now run "C:\temp\DropRiScript.sql" -- This will drop all RI's basically all child constraints.
  5. Now run the ddl script which has the table modifications. ex. If you are adding a new column to client table then you have to run CLIENT.SQL. This ddl script will actually drops the existing table and recreates.
  6. After creating this table copy all the data back from the temp table created at first step.
  7. After adding the data into this table, run "C:\temp\AddRiScript.sql" -- This will Add all RI's back.
Received on Tue Jul 18 2000 - 10:22:31 CDT

Original text of this message