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Armstead, Michael A. writes:
> Don't get rid of OUTLN!
Absolutely true! I haven't tried this myself, but according to a Metalink article the script for recreating the OUTLN user is c0800050.sql. The usual rules of spooling errors to file and otherwise testing the heck out of things apply, and you may still need to do a reinstall to get OUTLN properly back in place if it has been dropped.
Here is a run-down on the default users:
MTSSYS - for MTS use (on NT only, I believe) CTXSYS, MDSYS, ORDPLUGINS, ORDSYS - Intermedia related. CTXSYS is a DBA user. Make sure to change all default user passwords, but especially ones like SYS,
SYSTEM and CTXSYS, unless you really like to share data with people
you don't know.
OUTLN - SQL stored execution plans
DBSNMP - Intelligent agent
AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED - ORB (Object Request Broker) related
SCOTT - Good old Scott, the demo schema from everybody's first SQL class.
Also a horrid security hole because the SCOTT schema has RESOURCE. Doesn't
on a production system. Shouldn't have the default TIGER password on
anything but a toy system.
DEMO Lots of tables, way too many privileges. Again, not for production
Christopher Gait Received on Fri Jul 21 2000 - 13:35:41 CDT