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Thanks for the feedback, that is fascinating.
Note that I said it was "conventional wisdom", not that I was expressing a personal view based on actual industry experience! :)
If you have time, can you explain why your experience seems to be at variance with what I heard about Rdb, and Oracle's official statements (or, if you prefer, propaganda)?
hope all is weel with you & your projects, ep
On 19 Jul 2000, at 14:26, scribbled with alacrity and cogency:
From: Date sent: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:26:09 -0400 Subject: Re:RE: People what is Oracle Rdb ? NOT URGENT, ok ! To: "Eric D. Pierce" <>, Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
> Humm, that's interesting Eric. Back when I had a finger or two in Rdb the
> Oracle (V4) database on the VAX cluster was much larger, faster & fault tolerant
> than the Rdb one. Although I will agree that upgrading Rdb was MUCH simpler
> than Oracle, but then maybe that was in part due to the legacy application that
> used Rdb.
> Dick Goulet
> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Subject: RE: People what is Oracle Rdb ? NOT URGENT, ok !
> Author: "Eric D. Pierce" <>
> Date: 7/18/00 2:30 PM
> Bon dia Sr. Luiz !
> This may surprise people that have come to Oracle in the last 5-8
> years or so, but a very long time ago (10+ years?) conventional
> wisdom held that that Oracle ***wasn't good enough*** for large
> databases. (Back in those days RDBMS was sort of a "toy", "Real
> programmers" used COBOL/VSAM!)
> But, Rdb *was* good enough (I guess because it was more platform
> specific, but also maybe the Rdb architects at DEC were better than
Received on Wed Jul 19 2000 - 14:53:03 CDT