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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> How to include 3 line feed after each page in oracle report *.prt
I'm building a mailing label report using report 6.0 . This is a character based report.Printer is Epson DFX-5000+ and the paper size is 12" X 12" (continous form). Printer will NOT form feed after finished printing
The label is only printed correctly on the first page. Printer doesn't line feed after the end of page and it will print off the label on the second page and beyond.
I need the printer to line feed 3 lines at the end of each page so that it will print on the label correctly on the next page. Anybody that knows how to modify the *.prt file to include this line feed will be appreciated.
****Current *.prt entries used:
printer "wide180"
height 80
width 160
after report control(J)
return control(M)
linefeed control(J)
*****printer manual said:
Vertical mode
ESC N n 78 4E set-skip over perforation, n= # of line
LF 10 0A Line feed
VT 11 0B tab vertically
Rudy Wahab