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One of my friends has problems with Installing Reports Rel 6.0 Please help him out.
Ramamohan B N
We are planing to install Oracle Reports Server in one of our projects.
I am facing problems in installing and configuring. Could you clarify
since I feel that I am not selecting the right product?
1.What are the products to be selected for installation?
a.For Reports Server b.For IIS (for CGI, for web based architecture). c.For client (for non web based).
I have gone thru the Technical White Paper-July'99 (Reports release6.0: Reports Server). But it doesn't tell about installation products.
Since we are developing a prototype, I tried to download evaluation copy from Oracle site(Reports Server) but it looks like only client part got downloaded. I am not able to find any other suitable product from Oracle site. Could you help in this? Received on Wed Jul 12 2000 - 06:47:34 CDT