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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Developer 6 Mail option in report MAPI error [Urgent]
> Dear Friends,
> In report preview we can send reports as mail, it will attach file with
> .eps extension. Now I want to use this option but I have no idea to
> configure MAPI. When I press the mail button it will give below error. I
> also have outlook 2000 installed on our pc. This problem is not happened
> in win98, according to my information in win98 Microsoft change the mape
> files name. What is fact ?.
> REP-4201: Error occurred while initializing the Mail subsystem.
> Cause: Report Builder tried to initialize MAPI, and could not.
> Refer to the accompanying error message for more information. Other
> possible causes of this error include the following:
> Case 1: MAPI is not installed, the MAPI DLL is out of date, or the
> Mail entry in your WIN.INI file or system registry points to the wrong
> location.
> Case 2: There is not enough memory available to perform the
> operation.
> Case 3: While logging on, you entered an invalid service profile
> name, username, or password.
> Action: You can take the following actions to correct this error:
> If Case 1: Reinstall MAPI, or correct the Mail entry in your WIN.INI
> file or system registry.
> If Case 2: Exit any unnecessary applications that are running. If that
> does not work, see your
> Microsoft documentation for suggested procedures to enhance memory usage.
> If Case 3: Make sure your logon information is correct, and try again.
> If that does not work, confirm your account information with your Mail
> administrator.
> Regards,
Received on Mon Jul 10 2000 - 07:15:21 CDT