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Re: Deploying applications on Win2K Terminal Server

From: <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 16:59:44 EDT
Message-Id: <>

I don't have experience with Terminal Server, but, just to let you know, you don't need to set up OAS to run Forms Server. I just installed Developer 6i on NT environment, and it was extremely simple to get the Forms Server up and running. It runs as a service on NT and everything is set up during the install process. When you're done, there's a test form to make sure it works and presto, it's ready for use! Took about 20-30 minutes tops (didn't exactly time it). Walked over to another machine, and fired up the URL on the browser, waited a few minutes for the initial download of Jinitiator (one time only), and pop, there's the test form. Then, modified the tnsnames file, moved over a few existing 4.5 forms, recompiled, and bam, had a small application up and running. Also set up the Reports Server just as easily and tested that. Not bad for 1/2 days work. I'd recommend you consider that as an alternative.

Marc Perkowitz
MTP Systems Consulting, Ltd.

In a message dated 7/24/2000 3:45:29 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Does anyone on the list have any experience with the use of  Terminal Server (on a Windows 2000 server) to deploy in-house  applications?  

 We have decided to evaluate the deployment of several  applications using MS Terminal Server and would like to plan on  including some internal applications (built with Developer) rather  than dealing with the problems of client/server deployment. These  are internal applications (not everything gets deployed on the Web  Mr. Ellison and Co.!) and we do not want to set up/maintain a  separate Oracle Applications Server.  

 If anyone on the list has experience with this form of deployment, I  would greatly appreciate any comments regarding problems,  tweaks, and "gotchas" encountered during the process. >> Received on Mon Jul 24 2000 - 15:59:44 CDT

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