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Oracle-L: by subject
- Scott Shafer (Thu May 18 2000 - 17:00:24 CDT)
- Bowes, Chris (Sat May 27 2000 - 14:40:00 CDT)
- DDORR_at_cedelglobalservices.com (Wed May 03 2000 - 07:02:21 CDT)
- Alvarez, Carlos (Fri May 12 2000 - 13:48:00 CDT)
- !! Repost : Resources question
- !! Resources question
- !!Bind variables ?
- "cannot send any messages. :("
- "Extending" partitioned tables
- "ORA-03115 unsupported network datatype or representation" Oracle 8.0.5
- 'Can not execute the binary file..'
- (no subject)
- ** Reorg tool **
- *** Software installation ***
- /etc/system
- 11i: IAS (Integrated Apache Server) for 11i - not another
- 11i: IAS (Integrated Apache Server) for 11i - not another one
- 2 Instances of Personal Oracle?
- 2 Oracle DBA positions in Durham, North Carolina..
- 8.1.5 Client installation using file server copy
- 8.1.5 much slower than 7.3.4
- 8.1.5 on Siemens 5.44B10
- 8.1.5 to 8.1.6
- 8.1.6 Export --> 8.1.5 ???
- 8.1.6 for Solaris 2.8?
- 815 much slower than 734
- 8i
- ???
- [ListGuru@fatcity.com-RTFHF (read the fantastic help file)]
- [Off Topic.... MP3's on your Web Site]
- [Off Topic....]
- [Q] export from ORACLE 8i into ORACLE 7 problem ?
- _* initialization parameters
- _* initialization parameters (old MetaLink paper + Query)
- Actual index sizes
- ADC Telecommunications
- adding new schemas without new user accounts ?
- ADMIN: Answers to some of your questions...
- ADMIN: LastMail command (was: Q: Is the new list online)
- ADMIN: Virus Information
- Advanced Queueing on 8.1.5
- alert.log error
- ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT generation script
- always_anti_join NESTED_LOOPS or HASH?
- analyze indexes
- Analyze the tkprof output
- Another EXP question-VOLSIZE
- another rtfm ..
- Another SGA Question
- Any DBAs in UK (Surrey)
- Anybody running iFS yet?
- Anyone actually use it as an event monitor?
- Anyone saw this bug:
- Anyone using statspack? (new for 8.1.6+ only)
- Anyone using statspack? (new for 8.1.6+ only) : 815 also
- archive log on
- Ascertaining database state
- Automated standby database
- Automatic Startup of Oracle on Sun Solaris
- Automatic Starup of Oracle on Sun Solaris
- Autostart Orcle 8.1.5 on Redhat Linux
- Average row size ques...
- AVG_ROW_LEN in sys.dba_tables
- AW: 8.1.5 Client installation using file server copy
- AW: Changing NLS_LANG parameter
- AW: How much SGA?
- AW: Implemented TNS_ADMIN on NT?
- AW: NT Service Pack 5 and Service Pack 6 Problems
- AW: Off-Topic --executing batch commands in sequence under NT
- AW: One Peta Byte = ??
- AW: Oracle8i new features
- AW: Rebuild index
- AW: System used as holiday camp!!
- AW: Trigger re-engineering
- Backup & Recovery Strategy
- Backup with Legato
- Backups
- Basic pl/sql question
- bfile basics
- Big Whoops
- Binding LONGS in ASP
- bitmap index Q.
- Bitmap Indexes
- Blank item in a pop list.
- buffer overflow
- buffer overflow: closed
- BusinessObjects and Oracle - ora 1034 error
- BusinessObjects and Oracle - ora 1034 error SOLVED!
- C / external procedure puzzle for the C guru's
- C compiler requirements for oracle 7.3.4
- Calculating # of days,hours,mins
- Calling .bat file from PL/SQL - NT.
- calling Unix commands from external C programs
- calling Unix commands via external C routine.
- catproc run as system
- CBO parameters
- Changing NLS_LANG parameter
- Character based patch installer
- Character sets
- Character sets - More questions...
- Check this
- checkpoint not complete
- checkpoint_process ini parameter
- Choice of DB for a web application
- clobs
- Cloning a database
- Code Tables
- Compiling .c files using 'gcc' output of PROC*C program
- Compiling PRO*C program (urgent)
- concurrent connection limit
- Concurrent Manager issues - Need assistance Please!
- Concurrent Process vs. Concurrent Session....
- connect internal
- Connect Oracle from VMS
- connect thru sql*net hangs
- connectivity oracle8.x (net8)with oracle 7.1.6
- constraint search condition PSUMM
- Constraints Problem
- context
- COPY vs. INSERT - another reply
- Copy/Backup time limits (was Big Whoops response)
- Core dump with ora 7445
- core_dump_dest = /dev/null?
- core_dump_dest = /dev/null? --> audit_file_dest
- create large tablespace q.
- create public synonym
- create table fails
- ctxsrv won't start
- Cursor in PL/SQL
- Custom Development Management (CA/Platinum's Enterprise D
- Custom Development Management (CA/Platinum's Enterprise DBA) -
- Data dictionary
- Data Warehousing - RAID5 or RAID0-1
- data warehousing using Sybase Adaptive Server IQ12
- database backup and tape utility
- Database Cloning
- Database Cloning Qs
- database contention and wait, are they the same?
- database creation error and other errors
- Database creation script anybody?
- Database Links
- Database Resource Manager Packages
- Date format
- db up script
- db up script-THANKS
- DB-Link Question
- DB-Link Question/solved
- DBA Needed in Ft. Lauderdale, FL..Major Company..
- DBA poster
- DBAs Needed in Chicago suburbs..
- DBAs with E-commerce Backgrounds Needed- New York City..
- dbms_lob.loadfromfile() read trash
- dbms_lob.loadfromfile() reads trash
- dbms_lock.sleep()
- DBMS_SQL - problem solved
- dbms_sql.parse....
- DBMS_STATS and Table Monitoring
- DBSNMP crashes with Dr Watson dump
- Default accounts on ORACLE 8.1.6
- Default location for tnsnames.ora
- Default tablespace for temp segments..
- Defragmenting paper
- Defragmenting paper (what does ITL stand for?)
- delay starting sqlplus in 8.1.6
- Delete database
- delete from dba_tablespaces
- delete me!!
- Delete old Archive log Unix script
- Designer/2000 Rel 6.0 book
- Developer 2.1 problem/question
- Developer 2000 upgrade for 300+ Clients
- Developer 2000- Forms Beginners Qn.
- Developer 6i & Web -DB (2.2) - Installation
- Developer 6i - Installation Error
- Dicitonary managed tablespaces
- dictionary misses
- dictionary misses VS Read consistency
- Did I put up a difficult problem? -- Blank item in a
- Did I put up a difficult problem? -- Blank item in a PopList
- Digest
- Direct export vs FastUnload
- discussion on RI
- Display issue
- Docs die
- Download data from oracle tables to flat file
- Drop-down box in PL/SQL? (kinda long!)
- Dropped Datafile
- Dynamic SQL
- dynamically compressing export
- Ebu restore to another sever
- enqueue_resources
- Enterprise Manager Tools on Linux and Sun Solaris
- Error checking in Views..
- Error during Oracle install
- Error in 8.1.6 installation on solaris 2.6
- Event to disable SMON from freeing TEMP
- Execute a procedure depending upon time or at a regular i
- Execute a procedure depending upon time or at a regular inter
- Execute a procedure depending upon time or at a regular interval
- Executing DDL from trigger
- Exit with usercode
- exp/imp from Oracle 8.1.5 to Oracle 8.0.5
- Expiration date of 8.0.6
- Explain plan on another users SQL
- Export - DB Direct Read mode
- Export Problem
- Exporting large tables
- Exporting to a csv
- Exporting/importing data from 8.1.5 to 8.0.5
- Extent allocation (New DBA Question)
- External Procedure - Long and Painful
- Extracting parts of SQL query
- Fault Tolerance DB on DEC Unix
- Fault Tolerence DB on DEC Unix
- fetch in array from ProC
- Financial Apps DBA Needed in Memphis, TN..
- Finding the actual size of a table
- FK consideration
- For Jared Still Only
- Forms 4.5 - Color of a push button.
- forms 4.5 with oracle 8i
- Forms 45, View Mode MESSAGE.
- Forms Template for Oracle Apps 11i
- Forms4.5 Qn.
- Friday Humor...Please don't flame me...I didn't write it.
- Full import and SYS
- Function-Based Indexes and Dates
- Gets vs pins in v$librarycache
- Getting a new machine
- good net8 docs needed or pointers
- Granting SELECT permissions to a user based
- grants on columns
- GUI/Query-based interface to Oracle 8i data dictionary!!!
- Help - Database Trigger
- help - nologging
- Help - Query running slow
- Help - Query running slow- URGENT (misused)
- Help extracting LONG to a pipe delimited file?
- help interviewing
- Help please
- Help please (CAN NOT DROP TABLE)
- Help regarding query
- Help Subscribe the List
- help with query :)
- Here we go again...OCP
- Hetrogeneous services
- Histogram VS bitmap index
- Host command-PL/SQL
- Hot Standby Script
- How can I
- how fetch into output host array
- How much overhead for datafile headers?
- How much SGA?
- How to apply the archived logs?
- How to call a perl program from stored procedures
- How to change the value of MAXDATAFILES of a running
- How to change the value of MAXDATAFILES of a running instance
- How to change the value of MAXDATAFILES of a running instance ?
- How to delete from one table based on a multiple table query
- How to delete in-doubt transactions
- How to move tables from one tablespace to another (Oracle 7.3.4)
- How to propagate change from one database to another database
- How to store CLOBS without wasting storage space
- Howmuch Java reqd to support Oracle8i..
- i ReMoved the RBS datafile !!
- Imp keeps putting data in SYSTEM
- Implemented TNS_ADMIN on NT?
- Import (URGENT)
- IN operator
- Index organized tables
- Index query.
- Index Rebuilds and Extents
- Index Rebuilds and Extents - Thanks
- Index Usage
- Index_stats
- indexes
- indexes]
- info needed on Oracle Open Gateway
- Info on Libraries - liboiocsm.so.1.3 & liboi.so.
- Information on activity in Oracle's temporary segment under
- Information on activity in Oracle's temporary segment under O
- Information on activity in Oracle's temporary segment under Oracle 7
- Inserts gets slower and slower
- install question
- install question-solved-thanks
- Installation issues on WinNT
- Installation..
- Installing Oracle on remote NT servers
- Instance Terminated Problem
- Interfacing C pointers with Oracle
- Intermedia 8.1.5 and FILE_DATASTORE
- Internet Company in Lexington Ky needs a DBA..
- Interview Questions
- Invitation to join Oracle AppsNet
- Is anyone doing replication on 7.3.4?
- Is it possible to not to use the glogin.sql just for a partic
- Is it possible to not to use the glogin.sql just for a particular
- Is it possible to pass array variables from sqlplus to unix shell
- Is the list dead
- ISSalert: Internet Security Systems Security Alert: "mstream"
- ISSalert: Internet Security Systems Security Alert: "mstream" Distributed Denial of Service Tool
- ISSalert: Top 10 Vulnerabilities
- Java Email List?
- Java Servlet program using OAS 4.0.8(NT)
- Java vs PL/SQL
- JavaScript and PL/SQL?????
- JDBC and Oracle - getting started
- JDBC in new oracle
- Jdeveloper and WebLogic451
- JInitiator and Windows 2000
- jinitiator perfs and robustness
- Jobs here and there
- Jobs in Enterprise Manager 1.6.0
- Just when I'm snowed under!
- kernel/init parameters
- library DBMS_UTL_REF_LIB is invalid
- like '%'
- List latency
- List Page.
- Listener Problem
- Listener Problem - FOUND
- Listener Security
- listener.ora and tnsnames.ora
- Loading XML
- LOBs and CLOBs and BLOBS (oh my!)
- LOBs load & extract
- local partitioned primary key
- Locally-managed tablespaces
- Locks
- Log Switch hangup?
- Log Switch hangup? Thanks. Resolved
- Login.sql and global name value
- LONG columns - question
- LONG Datatype and Substrings
- LONG or VARCHAR2(2000)
- LONG-Technet documentation
- Looking for all events
- lov in developer
- Managed Standby on Linux
- many schemas
- Many schemas in one db
- Many tables in a view.
- mapping C datatypes to PL/SQL
- Materialized View Problem
- Materialized View Problem, Part 2
- Max tablespace and datafile sizes
- maximum open cursors in Java stored procedures
- Maximum value of open_cursors
- Maximum value of RECORDLENGTH for EXP
- Me, Oracle or the schema?
- memorial (day) issue!!
- Menlo's software Oracle page.
- Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
- Message Replies
- Microsoft Transaction Server
- Missing Packages
- Modify partition range
- Monitoring 8i memory usage- dictionary change breaks script, 2nd request
- Movi insertion
- Moving from Access to oracle 8.0
- Moving LONG RAW data between 2 tables
- Moving Oracle database data files from Veritas to a non-Veritas
- Multilingual Oracle reports
- Multiple DB layout for AIX F80 ?
- Multiple Oracle Homes
- Mutating table. The Reason.
- my SGA flushed 30MB of chunks !!
- Name of Oracle Trace
- Naming standards
- need proc for: insert into table1 select * from table2
- Need your idea on setting up Distributed database
- Negatives in Sqlloader
- New mailing list for Oracle Intermedia
- Newbie DBA
- Newbie Question - weird extents
- Nologging when creating Intermedia Index
- Normalization
- NT Service Pack 5 and Service Pack 6 Problems
- Null handlings in Pro*C
- OAS 3.02 WRBroker taking up all CPU
- OAS 4.0.7 and NT 4.0 SP5
- OAS with JServlet Cartridges
- OAS4.0.8 and DTC
- Object type
- Objects in Oracle
- OCI.DLL version-conflict 8.1.[46] on win95
- OCP DBA Exam Tracks
- OCP8
- ODBC in Office 97
- OEM - Discover Node - same SID
- OEM - forgot administrator's passwd
- OEM Performance Packs
- OEM question
- OEM: Anyone actually use it as an event monitor?
- Off -topic - newbie C programming question
- Off Topic - Competition for RSA algorithm
- Off topic - human stupidity
- Off topic - TEST please delete - 14:45
- OFF TOPIC : DBA screen-saver
- OFF TOPIC : Oraperl for WIN2000
- OFF TOPIC. Windows NT configuration in net.
- off topic: Oracle Application Programming
- Off-Topic --executing batch commands in sequence under NT
- Off-topic : A request!
- OFF-TOPIC: The TAO of Oracle - aka the value of OCP
- OFFTOPIC - Rhubarb's Oracle Links has moved
- offtopic: dev2k v1 locking/config
- offtopic: OAS DNS Aliases and SSL Certificates
- Offtopic: Viruses & Spam
- Old Posted msgs
- One Peta Byte = <some useless trivia>
- One Peta Byte = ? Lets end this.....
- One Peta Byte = ??
- One Peta Byte = ?? (When in doubt consult the web!!!)
- Only one trace-file per session ?
- open cursors...
- Open VMS
- opening maximized reports3 from forms5
- OPS and standby?
- ORA 12515 - 2 instances
- ORA 1410
- ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
- ORA-00600 for connect by prior SQL
- ORA-01041
- ORA-01459
- ORA-03232
- ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4200 bytes of shared memory
- ORA-10388?
- ORA-1041 Host def extension does not exist...
- ORA-12500 error
- ORA-1250: TNS:protocol adaptor error
- ORA-12545 on Linux Oracle
- ORA-12545 When running the job from Crontab ...
- ORA-12545 When running the job from Crontab ...(Solved)
- ORA-1536
- ora-1578
- ora-2298 cannot enable constraints parent keys not found
- Ora-27146 : post/wait initialization falied error
- ORA-27146 Error
- ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent
- ORA-3113
- ORA-7445 Core Dumps on 8.1.5 - Event Based Triggers
- Oracle & Veritas Netbackup "HELP"
- Oracle 7.3.4 to 8i Upgrade - Comparisons
- Oracle 8 and Forms 3
- Oracle 8 vs Oracle 8i
- Oracle 8.1.5 Redhat Linux 6.1
- ORACLE 8.1.6 patch set come out
- Oracle 8.1.6 Resource Manager
- Oracle 8i - the space wasting pig
- Oracle 8i MTS & Checkpoint Provider - I firewall
- Oracle and High Availability solutions
- Oracle and High Availiability Software
- Oracle and Security
- Oracle and SQL Server on the Same Machine
- Oracle Applications
- Oracle client software on Win2000 Q.
- Oracle data integrity
- Oracle db writer taking too much CPU ?
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle DBA openin
- Oracle DBA opening in
- Oracle DBA opening in Englewood, CO
- Rachel Carmichael (Fri May 19 2000 - 19:34:39 CDT)
- Charles Wolfe (Fri May 19 2000 - 04:41:35 CDT)
- Maheshwara Rao, L., Teki (Fri May 19 2000 - 06:10:36 CDT)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Fri May 19 2000 - 06:48:01 CDT)
- Bruce Page (Fri May 19 2000 - 08:44:00 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri May 19 2000 - 08:39:28 CDT)
- Chris Griffith (Fri May 19 2000 - 10:36:48 CDT)
- Ruth Gramolini (Fri May 19 2000 - 12:04:12 CDT)
- Gogala, Mladen (Fri May 19 2000 - 12:30:11 CDT)
- Miguel Urosa (Fri May 19 2000 - 06:36:35 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Fri May 19 2000 - 08:43:09 CDT)
- George.Brennan_at_warnermusic.com (Fri May 19 2000 - 08:54:57 CDT)
- Don Jerman (Fri May 19 2000 - 14:00:38 CDT)
- bill thater (Fri May 19 2000 - 15:42:17 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri May 19 2000 - 17:38:26 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Fri May 19 2000 - 14:43:54 CDT)
- GenericOracleList (Thu May 18 2000 - 13:42:37 CDT)
- Terry Ball (Thu May 18 2000 - 09:12:58 CDT)
- A. Bardeen (Thu May 18 2000 - 12:14:22 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Thu May 18 2000 - 10:16:59 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Thu May 18 2000 - 10:37:50 CDT)
- Bruce Page (Thu May 18 2000 - 12:40:21 CDT)
- Katherine Harms (Thu May 18 2000 - 12:43:25 CDT)
- Scott Shafer (Thu May 18 2000 - 14:17:57 CDT)
- Scott Shafer (Thu May 18 2000 - 16:01:52 CDT)
- Gogala, Mladen (Thu May 18 2000 - 15:29:35 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Thu May 18 2000 - 16:25:19 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Thu May 18 2000 - 16:26:26 CDT)
- Gregory Conron (Thu May 18 2000 - 16:55:54 CDT)
- LBhat_at_LEVI.com (Fri May 19 2000 - 01:50:55 CDT)
- Steve.Gough_at_gocorp.com.au (Tue May 16 2000 - 16:16:33 CDT)
- Steve.Gough_at_gocorp.com.au (Tue May 16 2000 - 17:38:14 CDT)
- GenericOracleList (Wed May 17 2000 - 15:47:09 CDT)
- Chris Griffith (Wed May 17 2000 - 08:20:27 CDT)
- Philip West (Wed May 17 2000 - 04:10:40 CDT)
- Walt Weaver (Wed May 17 2000 - 11:58:14 CDT)
- Bruce Page (Wed May 17 2000 - 11:38:07 CDT)
- bill thater (Wed May 17 2000 - 12:20:33 CDT)
- ODell, Charles (Wed May 17 2000 - 13:04:56 CDT)
- Brian_McQuillan_at_gelco.com (Wed May 17 2000 - 13:24:28 CDT)
- Chris Griffith (Wed May 17 2000 - 13:40:32 CDT)
- Bruce Page (Wed May 17 2000 - 16:15:31 CDT)
- Myron China (Wed May 17 2000 - 17:43:14 CDT)
- Myron China (Wed May 17 2000 - 17:50:06 CDT)
- Steve Boyd (Wed May 17 2000 - 14:06:21 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Wed May 17 2000 - 15:18:56 CDT)
- Jeff Wiegand (Tue May 16 2000 - 08:24:48 CDT)
- Lisa_Koivu_at_gelco.com (Tue May 16 2000 - 15:31:17 CDT)
- VIVEK_SHARMA (Thu May 25 2000 - 22:27:53 CDT)
- Stuart Houlston (Fri May 26 2000 - 03:15:58 CDT)
- Weerd de E.C. Kirsten (Fri May 26 2000 - 03:21:10 CDT)
- George.Brennan_at_warnermusic.com (Fri May 26 2000 - 05:01:24 CDT)
- Dax Mickelson (Fri May 26 2000 - 11:40:20 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Fri May 26 2000 - 07:23:00 CDT)
- Jared Still (Fri May 26 2000 - 15:43:25 CDT)
- Deepak Sharma (Fri May 26 2000 - 15:59:47 CDT)
- RAJMOHAN SAKTHI (Fri May 26 2000 - 09:44:55 CDT)
- Donita Hilfinger (Mon May 15 2000 - 18:49:43 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Wed May 24 2000 - 19:26:46 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Wed May 24 2000 - 19:31:03 CDT)
- Stuart Houlston (Thu May 25 2000 - 02:18:34 CDT)
- Geeta Iyer (Thu May 25 2000 - 10:26:24 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Thu May 25 2000 - 09:22:55 CDT)
- Uppal, Inde (Thu May 25 2000 - 04:43:18 CDT)
- Alex Hillman (Thu May 25 2000 - 10:35:17 CDT)
- RAJMOHAN SAKTHI (Thu May 25 2000 - 10:33:27 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Thu May 25 2000 - 17:58:20 CDT)
- Gregory Conron (Thu May 25 2000 - 17:12:55 CDT)
- Colin.Shaw_at_phs.com (Thu May 25 2000 - 21:43:47 CDT)
- Alex Hillman (Thu May 25 2000 - 18:46:17 CDT)
- Gregory Conron (Thu May 25 2000 - 18:40:45 CDT)
- PD Miller (Tue May 23 2000 - 18:36:08 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue May 23 2000 - 22:12:53 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue May 23 2000 - 22:21:30 CDT)
- Charles Wolfe (Wed May 24 2000 - 05:38:23 CDT)
- Michael Bowman (Wed May 24 2000 - 08:17:27 CDT)
- bill thater (Wed May 24 2000 - 07:33:56 CDT)
- Donita Hilfinger (Wed May 24 2000 - 09:48:26 CDT)
- Gesler, Richard (Wed May 24 2000 - 08:16:12 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Wed May 24 2000 - 08:18:18 CDT)
- Jared Still (Wed May 24 2000 - 11:22:13 CDT)
- Geeta Iyer (Wed May 24 2000 - 11:01:34 CDT)
- Bruce Page (Wed May 24 2000 - 10:03:50 CDT)
- Joseph S. Testa (Wed May 24 2000 - 11:55:49 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Wed May 24 2000 - 13:11:42 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon May 22 2000 - 19:18:47 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon May 22 2000 - 21:21:17 CDT)
- bill thater (Tue May 23 2000 - 06:33:28 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Tue May 23 2000 - 08:06:51 CDT)
- Jared Still (Tue May 23 2000 - 11:34:32 CDT)
- bill thater (Tue May 23 2000 - 10:26:11 CDT)
- Shantanu Talukder (Tue May 23 2000 - 14:14:31 CDT)
- Winnie_Liu_at_infonet.com (Tue May 23 2000 - 15:31:48 CDT)
- RAJMOHAN SAKTHI (Tue May 23 2000 - 08:59:01 CDT)
- Ngo, Tan (Tue May 23 2000 - 13:47:07 CDT)
- Joe Testa (Tue May 23 2000 - 14:24:07 CDT)
- A. Bardeen (Tue May 23 2000 - 19:32:52 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Mon May 22 2000 - 08:37:28 CDT)
- bill thater (Mon May 22 2000 - 10:27:53 CDT)
- Philip West (Mon May 22 2000 - 07:19:23 CDT)
- VIVEK_SHARMA (Mon May 22 2000 - 03:27:32 CDT)
- Scott Shafer (Mon May 22 2000 - 20:03:10 CDT)
- guy ruth hammond (Sun May 21 2000 - 14:31:06 CDT)
- guy ruth hammond (Mon May 22 2000 - 15:58:50 CDT)
- Oracle DBA opening in Englewood, CO]
- Oracle DBA opening in remote frozen tundra wastelands
- Oracle DBA opening remote frozen tundra wastelands
- Oracle DBA Poster
- Janusz, Kenneth (Tue May 30 2000 - 06:50:40 CDT)
- Janusz, Kenneth (Tue May 30 2000 - 07:01:30 CDT)
- Terry Ball (Tue May 30 2000 - 09:27:37 CDT)
- Jesse, Richard (Tue May 30 2000 - 09:38:53 CDT)
- Bill Conner (Tue May 30 2000 - 11:12:25 CDT)
- Igor Neyman (Tue May 30 2000 - 09:36:15 CDT)
- Deepak Sharma (Tue May 30 2000 - 12:53:11 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue May 30 2000 - 09:58:42 CDT)
- Ben Poels (Tue May 30 2000 - 15:07:07 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue May 30 2000 - 14:27:21 CDT)
- Mike Lanteigne (Tue May 30 2000 - 18:27:34 CDT)
- Janusz, Kenneth (Mon May 29 2000 - 08:42:58 CDT)
- Malinowski, Mike (CAP, CARD) (Mon May 29 2000 - 09:53:24 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Mon May 29 2000 - 09:43:34 CDT)
- sean.hull_at_pobox.com (Mon May 29 2000 - 14:29:17 CDT)
- Willett, Mark (Wed May 31 2000 - 07:12:10 CDT)
- Oracle DBAs Needed in Dallas..New Requirement
- Oracle DCE Integration
- Oracle HRMS
- Oracle Lite on 98 and TNS
- Oracle Names
- Oracle on Compaq Alpha under TRU64
- Oracle on One Spindle
- Oracle on OpenVMS
- Oracle on RAID - IOwait problem
- Oracle on RH 6.2
- Oracle on UnixWare - greedy for memory?
- Oracle OPS
- Oracle Training Centers in Wash. DC area
- Oracle Universal Installer
- Oracle V8.1.6 & WebDB V2.2
- Oracle8.0.4 on NT
- Oracle8i and DB2-UDB
- Oracle8i new features
- Oracle8i new features..www.evdbt.com
- OracleXMLQuery
- Ordered Inline View
- Ouota
- OWS problems
- Packages passing REF CURSOR between procedures:
- Paper advising on init.ora parameters
- parallel queries using RULE
- Parameter to teh spool command
- partitioning question
- Passing Varialbles w/OAS & PL/SQL
- Password encryption..
- Password Expiration Message
- Password File
- Patch install under 8.1.5
- Performance / Furture growth forecasting
- Performance of my algorithms & system
- Performance/ Future growth
- PGA memory leak error when importing
- Ping
- Pinned objects reloading?
- PL/SQL & java question
- PL/SQL: character string buffer too small
- Please help my creating snapshot problem
- please ignore this
- Point in time recovery
- Point in time recovery additional info ....
- Point in time recovery SOLVED
- post/wait initialization failed & ORACLE not available
- Posting: Doc for Legato configuration on HP
- PowerJ3.0 with Oracle 8.1.6
- precalculating table size
- Presentations for Openworld 2000
- Primary & Foreign key constraints
- Primary key type selection
- Problem to create Application System in Developer2000
- Problem with Create Procedure Syntax
- Problems after hardware upgrade.....Please Help!
- Problems running 8.1.5 installer remotely
- Problems with UTL_FILE
- Procedural Gateway for APPC
- processor upgrade, AIX
- Profile vs Resource Manager
- Q about Oracle Designer
- Q: Is the new list online
- Q: List Archive
- query help
- query only mode
- Query works on one server, but not on another
- Question about objects whose object_type='TYPE'
- Question about WebDB uses
- Question on indexed nullable column
- Questions re redo log files
- Quote
- RAID 3 and I/O distribution
- RAID help
- Randy Baker .... resigned?? sues Oracle ...
- Ratio rollbacks/transactions is 90%
- RBS File Deleted
- RE :
- RE : C / external procedure puzzle for the C guru's
- RE : Calculating # of days,hours,mins
- RE : concurrent connection limit
- RE : Full import and SYS
- RE : Import (URGENT)
- RE : Interfacing C pointers with Oracle
- RE : Only one trace-file per session ?
- RE : RAID help
- RE : Ratio rollbacks/transactions is 90%
- RE : Who is running a long-run job....
- Reading large files with UTL/FILE
- Real Datatypes and Nested Tables
- Real space
- Rebuild index
- Recovery
- Recreate database from Full Database Export
- Redo Copy Latch MISSES
- REF : _* initialization parameters (to all who have replied)
- Regular expression inside PL/SQL ?
- Release 11i Sizings For NT
- Renaming a server
- renaming all database files will this work
- REP: Varchar2....is this Dilbert or what?????
- Replication - Solaris and Linux
- Replication Manager for 8i databases.
- Replication on 8i.
- REPLY: Varchar2....is this Dilbert or what?????
- reports 2.5.. removing of page breaks...........Urgent
- Reports server on AIX
- Req Failed - Error
- Restart Internal Concurrent Manager
- Restart Internal Concurrent Manager- SOLVED
- Restoration of Database
- Resume How-to's
- return hostname in PL/SQL
- reverse engineer a database
- reverse index - BUG?
- Revoking access
- RMAN & HP Omniback II - any success with db > 500G?
- RMAN Quick clean-up
- RMAN register database problem ...
- RMAN version
- runtime privs for stored procedures
- RV: Oracle8i new features
- S540 course
- save undo block & save undo header
- schema auditing
- Searchable archive?
- Security question
- Seeking Help and/or documentation
- Segmentation Fault w/ 8.1.6 Pro*C programs
- Segments storage in memory
- Send email from PL/SQL procedure
- Server name change and OEM
- session_cached_cursor
- session_cached_cursors
- set timing on
- set_sql_trace_in_session
- Setting ORACLE to user two processers
- setting the digest mode... help!
- SGA Question
- Shared pool
- Should a developer apply db patches?
- shutdown hang
- Shutdown immediate - not quite as immedaite as I want it
- Shutdown immediate - not quite as immedaite as I want it to
- Shutdown immediate - not quite as immedaite as I want it to be
- SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE is not clean???
- Silent install
- Slow 8.1.6 on win2000
- Slow commits
- snapshot and referential integrity
- Snapshot Refresh Question
- Solaris Upgrade to 8.0.6
- Solaris List
- Solaris, ISM and Oracle
- SOLVED : Problems after hardware upgrade.....Please Help!
- Spec of trc files
- special characters - just wondering
- Specing a server
- Spooling SQL*Plus output to a unique file name (Unix)
- Spooling SQL*Plus output to a unique file name (Unix) - SOLUTION
- SQL * Loader
- SQL - Deleteing rows from a table-- Help!!!
- SQL development tools
- SQL Help, Please!
- SQL Loader
- Sql Tuning
- sqlloader log file
- SQLPLUS80W.exe
- srwxrwxrwx files in /tmp/.oracle
- Standalone Function
- Standby Database
- Standby database v. advanced replication.
- Statistics timestamp & 'under-the-hood' column names
- Stop e-mails
- Stopped Archiving!
- Storing Chinese and Korean Characters in Database..
- Storing Encrypted Data
- Stratus Box
- Subsets of data
- System used as holiday camp!!
- Tablespace Restore
- TCP listener not responding
- TEMP Segments
- Temp tablespace
- test
- test , please ignore
- test - delete me
- Test - Ignore
- test - please delet
- Test - Please Delete
- test -- ignore
- Test 18:29 PDT
- test message
- Test please delete
- test- 820PM
- test.. pls ignore
- test... Please delete
- Testing Again-Pls Ignore
- Thanx, Blank item in an LOV
- timed stats
- tkprof output
- tnsnames.ora
- tnsnames.ora and Thanks.
- To Commit or NOT to Commit
- To: Jared
- Total recovery using rman without catalog
- trace files
- Tracing the delete DB object
- Transaction Lock
- Transactions per second count (URGENT)
- Transactions waiting for Lock on Rollback Segments
- transfer files from VAX to SUN
- transportable tablespaces
- Trigger re-engineering
- Truncate/load within transaction
- trying out recovery
- trying out recovery - solved
- TSPITR and one table per tablespace
- TSPITR and one table per tablespace .. ting ting ...!!
- Tune for 'db file sequential read'
- Two (newbie) questions
- Two new Alerts on 8.1.6
- Underscor "_" character problem
- Underscore "_" character problem
- Undocumented Parameters
- union, minus and order by
- universal installer product listing
- Unix : what is .gz file
- Unix Group/User Directory Restriction
- Unix PATH variable when running external procedure
- Unix question
- unknown messages in Alert-File
- Upgrade to Multiple Drives
- Urgent - Restoration of Database
- URGENT- Query running slow
- Urgent: Clarifications in data transfer...
- UrGENT: Installation Oracle 8.1.5 on Redhat Linux 6.1
- URGENT: OFF TOPIC: UNIX QUESTION: remsh (remote shell)
- Urgent: Prod Auditing Problem
- URL site for distributed database info
- User deactivation
- user_db_links
- Using database links in a proc
- Using ROWID instead of indexes
- UTL_FILE + Form Feed
- utl_file and NFS - fails every 3rd read
- v$sgastat Shared Pool records and init.ora parameters
- V$SQLAREA stats.
- V$SQLAREA.parsing_user_id
- v$views
- VARCHAR2 vs. CHAR in the Primary Key
- varchar2(4000)
- Varchar2....is this Dilbert or what?????
- Verifying Oracle connection in a Pro*C program
- Veritas backupexec users
- Very Urgent - Please help
- Views and indexes
- Virus info
- Virus warning
- Virus warning - CONFIRMED
- VLDBs - Books , References , Links ?
- wait events
- wait events cntd..
- WE8ISO8859P1 vs. UTF8 Character Sets
- web development (seeking opinion)
- WebDB learning
- Weeding out Repository Tables for Enterprise Manager
- What is on Temp tablespace....
- What is the osh executable in oraenv
- whitepaper 'How to stop fragmenting and start living?'
- whitepaper 'How to stop fragmenting and start living?' FOUND!
- whitepaper 'How to stop fragmenting and start living?' RESOLV
- Whitepaper on Extents
- Who is running a long-run job....
- why cant i startup
- why this code does not work in sqlplus?
- why this code does not work in sqlplus? - issue resolved
- Windows 2000
- Windows Client SQL*Net Trace connecting to OS/390 Instance
- Work vs marriage
- writing libs (.so) for oracel enterprise on linux
- Writing pl/sql wrapper for 'alter user'
- www.backup-oracle.com
- X$ tables documentation
- You can use Hot Backups to Clone a Database
- your mail
- ~{oTWE~}? LONG or VARCHAR2(2000)
- ´ð¸´: ** Reorg tool **
- ´ð¸´: Execute a
- ´ð¸´: Help regarding
- ´ð¸´: SQL Help, Please!
- ïÔ×ÅÔ: LONG or VARCHAR2(20
- Last message date: Wed May 31 2000 - 23:38:44 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Sep 26 2004 - 12:15:29 CDT