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RE: trying out recovery - solved

From: William Beilstein <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 13:42:07 -0400
Message-Id: <>

Of Course, I meant to say he had to restore all datafiles. This is what I = get for copy & pasting the original list and not completely modifying it.

>>> "Winnie Liu" <> 05/16/00 11:45AM >>>


You have to restore all the data files whenever you attempt to do a point-in-time recovery. This is to ensure that the whole database are in consistent mode. If you attempt to "push" one tablespace back to a certain time and left the rest of the tablespace in another time, the database consistency is not checked.

You will have to open the databsae with resetlog option as after you open your database and attempt to perform any database transactions there. All the archive logs which generate eariler (before you open your database = with
resetlog option) cannot be used against this database anymore. You will = need
to open the database in a new set of log sequence.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 8:44 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

i was wrong at step# 2 & 8 , i must backup/restore ALL DATA FILES not just a single DB file !!, i think the resason being the use of RESETLOGS after this type of recovery (incomplete media recovery) to open a DB in RESETLOGS.

can someone point to a doc which explains the RESETLOGS AND NORESETLOGS options ??

TIA Rahul

> ----------
> From: William Beilstein[]=20
> Sent: 15 Mei 2000 19:31
> To:;
> Subject: Re: trying out recovery
> Because it applied all the changes stored in the redo logs including the
drop command. What you want is a point of time recovery. For example
> 1) shutdown DB
> 2) take a backup of a single datafile which makes a tbs 'DATA1'
> 3) startup mount
> 4) issue 'alter db archivelog' and 'archive log start'
> 5) create a table 'TAB' in tbs 'DATA1' and insert some records and =
> 6) drop the table 'TAB' at 05/15/00 @ 17:23
> 7) Issue 'alter database switch logfile'
> 8) shutdown, restore the backup datafile and startup mount
> 9) issue 'recover database until time '2000-05-13:17:22'' in SVRMGRL
> >>> Rahul <> 05/15/00 05:44AM >>>
> List (ora 7.2.3 AIX - new to recovery)
> trying out this recovery scenario on a test DB,
> to recover from a 'drop table'
> 1) shutdown DB
> 2) take a backup of a single datafile which makes a tbs 'DATA1'
> 3) startup mount
> 4) issue 'alter db archivelog' and 'archive log start'
> 5) create a table 'TAB' in tbs 'DATA1' and insert some records and =
> 6) drop the table 'TAB'
> 7) Issue 'alter database switch logfile'
> 8) shutdown, restore the backup datafile and startup mount
> 9) issue 'recover' in SVRMGRL
> alter all the logs are applied, i open the DB but CANNOT FIND THE TABLE
'TAB' !!!
> why ?
> Rahul
> --
> Author: Rahul
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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Author: Winnie Liu

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Received on Tue May 16 2000 - 12:42:07 CDT

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