Olite is a completely different beast from Personal
Oracle or Oracle Server. It does not have a listener
and cannot receive incoming Net8 connections (it can
make outgoing Net8 connections). You connect to the
Olite db via ODBC (Olite 8i will also accept a JDBC
For an ODBC connection from SQL*Plus:
Username: SYSTEM
Password: MANAGER (actually I think anything will
work as Olite, or at least the pre-8i versions, didn't
check any security/privileges)
Connect string: ODBC:<dsn>
Where <dsn> is the ODBC Data Source Name. By
default a DSN of POLITE is created upon installation.
- Anita
- Steff Gonos <> wrote:
> Happy Logical Monday folks -
> Been working Sun,and now I have a user that
> wants to install Oracle 8i Lite. What's the
> experience of using this on a 98 system ?
> How does the Laptop make the TNS connection ?
> When he tries to logon, he can't. What special is
> needed for a 98 system ?
> Thanks.
> Steff Gonos
> =====
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> what
> exactly are the OTHERS here for?
> Steff Gonos
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