Hi Swajit,
Consult the Oracle documentation about the DBMS_JOB package which works
just like Unix cron. The good part is that it is internal to Oracle and
the database.
- Swajit Satam <swajit_at_mahindrabt.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Can I Execute a procedure depending upon time or
> say at a regular interval (like Triggers but triggers are
> event driven ).
> If it's a Unix box then I can write a cron job but if it's a NT Box then
> it cannot be achived so can it be done inside Oracle itself so that i
> dont have to depend no O/S. or is there any work around for the same.
> Swajit
> --
> Author: Swajit Satam
> INET: swajit_at_mahindrabt.com
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