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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Re[2]: Big Whoops
Similar bonehead move here. I had made copies of a 100MB production data =
file onto several different servers because I wanted to test a theory =
about I/O throughput on the different boxes. Later, as I was cleaning up =
the extra data files the boss called. I gave him his alloted 5 minutes of =
my undivided attention, then started doing stuff on the side while =
muttering "uh-huh" into the phone. Sure enough, just as I hit the enter =
key I realized I was DELETING THE LIVE DATA FILE! After a few minutes =
sheer panic I figured out there fortunately were only indexes in that data =
file, and the data dictionary still had the information necessary to =
recreate the indexes. Took me a while to recreate everything, and I had =
to eat some serious crow over that one. Even though I knew better at the =
time now I REALLY don't do anything like that. All in all not too painful =
a way to learn a very important lesson.
>>> 05/25/00 02:51PM >>>
You expect us to admit this in public? <g>
O.K. - I deleted a datafile (Unix rm command), but the vendor software was so un-stable at the time that I just let everyone assume it was a software problem and not a human error problem. Now that the software is (more) stable, so am I. I hope.
>I'd like to post a question for everyone on the list.
>How many of you have ever dropped a table, or done something like that =
>the wrong database(thinking you were connected to say the test DB), =
>hosed production?
>Steve Boyd
>>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
>>Subject: Re[2]: Big Whoops
>>Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 06:40:46 -0800
>>A couple of years ago I was trying to create a new instance on one of =
>>boxes to support an additional manufacturing line. Since the first=20
>>instance was
>>well tuned, I copied the init.ora file to a new name & did the little=20
>>that I believed necessary, like a new db_name. What I forgot was the
>>control_file line. You can guess what happen next, yes the control =
>>trashed and the original instance terminated with errors. We had to=20
>>that one from tape since I hadn't backed up the control files to trace =
>>time, but I do now at every shutdown. We live & learn from our =
>>hopefully NOT on a production server.
>>BTW: My advice to any new DBA out there is that when an emergency hits =
>>an AW SH%$. First step in the process is to step back, take a deep =
>>calm down. Adrenaline and instant reaction are your worst enemies.
>>Dick Goulet
>>Senior Oracle DBA
>>Vicor Corporation
>>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>>Author: "Rachel Carmichael" <>
>>Date: 5/24/00 6:16 PM
>>You have backups? Restore from backup. Otherwise..... recreate and =
>>the way to go.
>>I gotta say, the fact that you did this, figured out how to fix it, and
>>didn't freak out about it, would impress me MUCH more on an interview =
>>the fact that you have your OCP :)
>> >From:
>> >Reply-To:
>> >To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
>> >Subject: Big Whoops
>> >Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 14:44:29 -0800
>> >
>> >This is by far the funniest thing I have ever done. I began running =
>> >create
>> >database scripts (ON A TEST MACHINE) when the $ORACLE_SID was set to a
>> >currently
>> >running database. It's now completely and totally hosed. I'm just
>> >wondering if
>> >there is any possible way of recovering from this. I am just =
>> >the
>> >database and reimporting the data - it's not a big deal, but for =
>> >reference, I wonder if this really does mean THE END OF THE DATABASE =
>> >KNOW
>> >IT. My gut feel is YES.
>> >
>> >I just can't stop laughing. I finish my OCP exams and completely =
>> >large
>> >database in the same day (and dump pink ice cream on my white sweater
>> >simultaneously)! Like Kirti said, Who *WANTS* to be a DBA? Are you =
>> >your
>> >mind? you better be!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
Author: Kent Wayson
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 13:29:03 CDT
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