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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Transactions waiting for Lock on Rollback Segments
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-----Original Message----- From: VIVEK_SHARMA Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:19 AM Steve Wrote > my guess is that it was actually anThumb rule ?
> ITL entry shortage (see page 47 in my book).
> If this is 8i, you may want to consider using the
> 'alter table minimize records_per_block'
What does ITL stand for ? The name of the Book please ( pg 47) ? On Oracle 7.3.4 with 8Kb DB_BLOCK_SIZE , for the respective TableS , should INITRANS & MAXTRANS be Altered to Control the No. of rows per block ? How ? Gaja , Thanks so much for the Explanation . Was the Greatest Gaja Wrote >"The "ball park" optimum number of rollback segments that is
> required for most environments can be derived by the formula :
> "no. of concurrent txns/4".
Qs. 1 Should Number of Rollback Segments be INCREASED to 12,000 approx from 160 or Some intermediate value ? NOTE That The Transactions OLTP in nature QUERY :- select table_name,avg_row_len from sys.dba_tables where ... / OUTPUT :- TABLE_NAME AVG_ROW_LEN NUMBER of ROWS INSERTed per Tran ------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------- DAILY_TRAN_DETAIL_TABLE 186 2 DAILY_TRAN_HEADER_TABLE 91 1 TEMP_DAILY_TRAN_TABLE 73 2 Thus 1 Transaction = 550 BYTES - Correct ? Gaja Wrote >The size of the extents in the rollback segments
> can be derived by performing an avg(used_ublk)
> in v$transaction during peak periods.
OK -will revert back to you after next Transaction Runs Will use the Query :- select avg(used_ublk) from v$transaction; Gaja Wrote > "Proactive configuration of an optimal number of freelists and the effective use of the INITRANS parameter " Qs. How is the Value of INITRANS , MAXTRANS to be determined ? Any
-----Original Message----- From: Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha [] Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 12:24 AM Friends, I totally agree with Steve's sentiments. There are many issues on the table here, and my response to all of them make this posting a long one. Thank your for your patience is reading this through. The limitation to prevent us from creating more than 50 rollback segments was lifted in early Oracle7, when Oracle started supporting the max_rollback_segments parameter. The rollback_segments parameter itself could not support more than 50 entries prior to Oracle7, and hence the limitation. The documentation has not changed with time. This limitation has been long lifted. If there is justification and a need to create more rollback segments, then by all means go right ahead and do it. Personally, I have created as many rollback segments as the value of the max_rollback_segments parameter. The "ball park" optimum number of rollback segments that is required for most environments can be derived by the formula : "no. of concurrent txns/4". The size of the extents in the rollback segments can be derived by performing an avg(used_ublk) in v$transaction during peak periods. The number that is acquired from the above average should then be raised to the next power of 2(e.g. if the avg(used_ublk) is 14045, then the initial and next size for the rollback segments can be 16K). Obviously, this is not the size for the big_roll rollback segments that you use for your batch jobs. The goal here is to try to accomodate the undo entries of a transaction in 1 extent, to avoid re-reading the rollback segment header. The rollback segment header contains the transaction table and the pointers to the location where a given transaction's undo entry is located. Reading the transaction table over and over again can and will cause contention for that rollback segment. I am not in any way suggesting that multiple transactions should not write their undo entries to the same extent. All I am trying to communicate here is a design to reduce contention on the rollback segment header and the transaction table that it hosts. The minimum number of extents in a rollback segment should be at least 20. Simulations and tests done in Oracle's Internal Labs in the past using this MINEXTENTS value, has shown to reduce the probability of the "snapshot too old" error occurring. Personally, I am not a big fan of the "OPTIMAL" parameter as this again increases the probability of the "snapshot too old" error. I'd rather shrink the rollback segment via a job at a time that is appropriate (wee hours of the morning) than have "OPTIMAL" kill a long-running query (batch report). I know if you are running a database prior to 7.3, then you are out of luck. I have observed that adhering to the above set of rules has helped me proactively manage the rollback segment problem very well. Your mileage might vary, but is definitely worth the effort. - - - - - - - - - I know this from having done some tests in 7.3.5 and I am pretty sure that this functionality has not changed radically in Oracle8/8i. Proactive configuration of an optimal number of freelists and the effective use of the INITRANS parameter should take care of block level contention in most cases. Thanks for your patience. Best Regards, Gaja. --- Steve Adams <> wrote: > Hi All, > > There is some rather peculiar advice being given here. > The old recommendation to not create more than 50 rollback > segments has > been out of date for nearly a decade. > You cannot increase freelists to numbers of the order of 1000 > or more, not > even with a 32K database block size. > The transactions_per_rollback_segment parameter does not > impact rollback > segment usage in any way - only the number of public rollback > segments to > acquire at startup. > > Looking down at the initial problem, my guess is that it was > actually an > ITL entry shortage (see page 47 in my book). > If this is 8i, you may want to consider using the 'alter table > minimize > records_per_block' command to control the number of rows > allowed in each > block. > > Regards, > Steve Adams > > > > >From: VIVEK_SHARMA <> > > > > >Reply-To: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >CASE - Benchmarking Application on a Specific Machine E > 6.5 K SunOS > > 5.6 > > > > > > > > > >AIM - To pass 50,000 OLTP Transactions in 1 Hour using > 2500 Oracle > > > > >sessions > > > > >(with respective Unix users) > > > > > > > > > >HARDWARE setup - Total 3 E6.5K machines = 2 machines Containing APP , > > > > > 1 machine Containing DB > > > > >20 GB RAM in each , 18 CPUs in each , > > > > > > > > > >PROBLEM Started the firing off of OLTP transactions . > Till > Completion of 10 Thousand (roughly) OLTPTransactions , there were NO Received on Wed May 24 2000 - 01:37:37 CDT
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