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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "lock table in exclusive mode"
- 'upgrade' to same $ORACLE_HOME
- 2PC using XAResource interface in J2EE and C++
- 8.0.5 to 8.1.7 migration
- 8174 finally installed - oops !!!
- 8i + forms 6i question
- 9i DBCA hangs while running on AIX 5L
- 9i table redefinition in 8.1.7
- 9IAS - Oracle Internet Directory and LDAP
- 9iAS DAD reuse problem
- 9iAS Version OC4J and OPMN Problems
- 9iR2 Database Configuration Assistant fails with ORA-27102 "Out of Memory" error
- 9iR2 on RH 7.2 - runInstaller segmentation fault
- [announce] Automated Encryption & Security Tool Available based on the DBMS_Obfuscation_Toolkit
- [Oracle 9i]Syntax Error on isqlplus.conf??
- A question about ORA-04031 error
- aadding a second NTlistener service
- Accessing an Oracle DB through a SOHO hub based ADSL network.
- Accessing Shift-JIS data from dotnet
- Adding two different columns in a view
- ADO provider and VB
- Alter View statements in PL/SQL?
- Another Partitioning question
- Anyone installed patchset and XDK stopped working?
- Apache server vs Oracle HTTP server for Oracle
- Application Tunning
- Async I/O on AIX
- backup failing while using rman
- Backup strategy using RMAN
- Best way to export data from multiple tables to delimited text file
- Bind variable as search pattern
- Blind Vigilantes
- BLOBs from Oracle to MS Sql server
- Block Corruption, cant start DB -SOS
- Boy, did I have fun or what?...
- Boycott The Body Shop !!! 7984
- build a tamper-proof server?
- Build Indexes as Scheduled task?
- cache vs keep buffer pool
- Cached blocks and performance
- Can I use the Windows NT logon on Oracle Portal?Has anyone managed to take advantage of the fact that a Portal-user already is logged on to NT?
- Can You partition IOT Overflow segment?
- cannot create database
- cannot create database because of ORA-27102 "out of memory" (Oracle9i_2 & Solaris 9)
- chinese Character problem on Oracle, windows 98 and windows 2000
- Choosing a db_block_size for a 8i Datawarehouse ?
- client-server without the server..
- COBOL, PL/SQL, or both
- code clean up help
- Commands/scripts to start 9iAsR2 instead thru http://machine:1810 ?
- commits and sql trace
- Comparison with AIX/Solaris
- complex view question
- concat LONG
- Configuring JDev with Oracle
- Confusing ORA-1001 Error
- Connecting to Oracle9i Reports Builder
- Connection Problem to Oracle9i Reports Builder
- constraint question
- Conversion from SQL-Server to Oracle
- Copy tables from oracle 7 to oracle 9
- CPU > Elapsed
- create a standby db on the same host (IPC)
- create assertion?
- CREATE DATABASE creates "memory leak"
- creating database linux 8.1.7
- Creating two instances in one oracle server
- Data Buffer Cache
- data modeling question.. too many joins?
- Database migration question.
- Database server hanging
- Database Structure
- Database upgrade - backout strategy
- Database vs FileSystem (a comparison)
- Database/Schema/Script needed - Sporting Goods sample
- datafile problem
- Datdguard
- DB2 or Oracle
- DBMS_JOB, Distributed transactions and logging.
- Delete whole table in one go versus batches
- describe tablespace?
- determine tablespace growth per month
- Determining Transaction Isolation Level
- Developer 2000 Problems When Installing With Oracle 7 Server
- Disable NoLogging transactions
- Disable NoLogging-Transaction
- Disabling DBSNMP & Apache
- Disappearing Triggers!
- Does anybody really use Oracle 8i on Win2k?
- Does the i database work with 11.0.3
- download oracle 8.0.5
- drop user
- Drop user <username> Cascade
- Duplicate Oracle Database
- email
- Email from store procedure
- empty program field in v$session.
- Error - ORA-09352: Windows 32-bit two-task driver unable to spawn new oracle task
- error messages.. on the instead of trigger..
- error when recover datafile : ORA-00279
- EXP error with
- exp/imp copy initial extent
- explain plan / big table help plz...
- export filesize limit 2G question
- Extents, Index, Optimization Q's
- Failed import with the user type
- Failed to start GSD on local node (Oracle 9.2 RAC)
- FAQ - etiquette - and how to get an answer.
- Feature comparison between Postgresql, Oracle and Mysql ?
- Filepro to Oracle conversion
- Filesystem for Oracle 9i
- find Stale process
- Fine Grain Security and select... for update
- FIRST_ROWS (is is a good idea)
- Format date language
- Forms 6 And ComboBox
- Forms 9i "Invalid Syntax Error".
- Forms 9i problem - could the f90servlet be missing?
- FRANTIC! ORA-03113 Acessing Specific, Random Tables
- full import with several users
- Funny problem while using the LIKE operator
- Funny problem with LIKE operator
- Garbage collection not happening?
- Get catalog database
- Get database name in OCI or Transact-SQL
- Get more practice tables
- glibcpath.tgz for Oracle 8.0.5 on Redhat 6.1
- Global hint in subquery in where clause doesn't work?
- grants not imported
- Greensboro, NC--SIRDUG/TRIDUG host Database Vendor Fair 9/26
- gui tool for oracle.. what is client when installation?
- half of my disk partition space disappears after installing oracle 8.1.7 Ent on NT 4.0
- Has anyone successfully ordered the Oracle Applications 11i Release 7 CD
- Has anyone successfully ordered the Oracle Applications 11i Release 7 CD Pack for MS Windows NT/2000?
- help on trigger..
- Help with 20 million records
- Help with Oracle restore!
- HELP: ORA-00600: internal error code
- Help: Too much rollback info
- Helpdesk
- How can I send an email from a stored procedure ?
- How can I tell how long an instance has been up?
- How can I use oci driver on client machine without install oracle client
- How do I outer join with 2 columns (inner view)?
- How do I place the value of another field in a field :)
- how do I see if a table is using indexes or scan
- How long will 8.1.7 survive?
- How many Oracle certificate programs are currently available?
- how much memory is my oracle using?
- how to analyze table estimate?
- How to backup oracle 9i database on Redhat Linux 7.1
- How to change user password in OID
- How to create second , third .... instances on Linux RH 7.1 and Oracle 9i
- How to dump all tables belong to a user into multiple flatfiles
- How to end pending transactions with jdbc
- How to find no of rows
- How to find out parameter setting at session level?
- How to find out those parameters set in session leve
- How to find out which partitions are defined
- How to find the Database version without opening the Database
- How to get a patch for Oracle server?
- How to know the rows processed
- How to make a copy of database on the same linux
- How to make sure JVM is installed correctly in
- how to return a recordset from PL/SQL FUNCTION
- How to save Exchange Email into Oracle Database
- how to set monitoring jobs for thresholds
- How to start export from PL/SQL
- How to startup the 9i orcl-instance on suse linux 8
- how to store timestamp in oracle 8.1.7?
- how to transfer data to Oracle 8.1.7?
- How to tune a huge SELECT ?
- How to tune this sql (RULE-Based) ?
- Howard Rogers backup course
- Howto generate records in stored procedure
- HR tables relationship
- HS ODBC or OLEDB connections
- HS with TopSpeed ODBC driver
- I feel old
- I find for Oracle 7.2 client
- i/o waits by session?
- Illegal date format...
- Import and Export With Compressed Files
- Import from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory
- import loose constraints (8.1.7)
- Import SQL script to Oracle
- import SQL script to Oracle at AIX
- index blocks reuse
- index rebuild online and compatible mode
- Index Space Usage more than Data Space Usage
- Infamous JRE Installation Problem with 9i Again. :-(
- install problem 9i/linux
- Installation Error for Oracle 8.1.7 on Linux 7.1
- installation of Oracle-DB: for creation i need a script ?
- Installation question
- Installing Oracle9i Apps. Server ( Release 2) on Win. XP Pro Edition
- Internet Directory and Active Directory referrals
- iReportTxtAnalyzer (Beta) is available
- Is 9i RAC worth pursuing?
- Is the effect of modifying PCTFREE/PCTUSED immediate ?
- Is this serious?
- Java stored function - mapping of PLS_INTEGER in PL/SQL
- java.io.ioexception: Bigger type length than Maximum
- Join Predicate Question
- jre and java crashes during 8.1.7 install on W2000
- Keep (Recycle) Buffer Question
- Latch Ratio is high???
- LDAP and Oracle
- libclntsh and LDAP functions
- Library Cache Pin problems
- Library Caches Reports
- Limiting CPU usage for a user
- Linux Oracle CPIO extraction problem (LINUX)
- Listener status Unknow
- Loading a XML file into DB tables
- LOBs and Dynamic SQL PRO*C Method 4
- Lost Password problem
- Materialized View and CLOBs
- Materialized Views - Query Rewrite Not Working
- Materialized Views: how do I refresh just a single partition?
- maximum number of processes 150 exceeded?
- memory leak and event 10262
- Migrate 8.0.5 to 8.1.7
- migration ?
- Migration from 8.1.5 to 9.2 RAC
- Moving a table to another tablespace
- Moving an RMAN backup
- Moving DB from NT to other Platforms
- Moving entire 8.1.7 database b/t machines
- MTS how to set up
- MTS oracle 8.1.7
- Multiple "databases" in Oracle...from a SQL Server Admin view..HELP
- Multiple Oracle Homes with 9i
- multiple schemas per user - possible?
- mutating table error help
- mv postgresql db to oracle?
- na
- Need a FGAC Clue
- Need help
- Need help for SQL query
- Need help with V$PARAMETER
- Need urgent help with sub-query
- Newbie looking for suggestions:
- newbie questions..
- newbie: A Quickie for some guru out there.
- newbie: dynamic cursor query
- Newbie: Problems to connect using port 1521
- newsgroup.com.hk
- next extent allocation hangs -- need help
- next extent allocation hangs -- need help -- Update with solution
- no domain, no iSQL*Plus?????
- No Target in Oracle 9 IAS Enterprise Manager
- noarchivelog recovery
- not allowing a job to run if it failed..
- Not Much Fun
- Not reinventing the wheel!
- Novice: Retrieve Service Name
- number of extents question
- OC4J explanation
- oci fonction
- OCI9 driver
- OCP for OPS and Distributed system?
- OID. How to delete or modify attribute using DBMS_LDAP?
- OLD NEW value in trigger ?
- OleDB Poor performance
- OLTP and RAID 5
- optimal size for rollback
- Optimizer / Explain Plan
- ORA-00449: background process 'LGWR' unexpectedly terminated with error 340 ??
- ORA-00600 during schema export Oracle 8.1.5
- ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [9993]
- ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
- ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 123952 bytes(callheap,temporary memory)
- ORA-09352: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to spawn new Oracle Task
- ORA-1113 signalled during: alter database "perd" open...
- ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name in sql+ only
- ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
- ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
- ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure + LISTENER.ORA file.
- ORA-17059
- Ora9ir2 install on Tru64 v5.1A
- Oracle & Delphi
- Oracle & MS SQL server - Similarities and differences
- Oracle - Corba - Client - Server - Pagination
- Oracle 6 tablespace problem
- Oracle 7 -> Oracle 8 + 8th bit problem and NLS_LANG
- ORACLE 8.0.6 64-bit on HP-UX 11.00; How does it load into memory (high Vs low)?
- Oracle 8.1.5 Client with Oraclie 9i Lite (Mobile Sever)
- Oracle 8.1.6 bind/literal. MDAC 2.7?
- oracle 817.01 installation pb on debian woody : Net8 conf assistant FREEZES. CPU Hogs.
- Oracle 8i + forms 6i for win problems
- Oracle 8i archived log directory
- Oracle 8i on Linux.
- Oracle 8i on Red Hat 7.3 Install problem
- Oracle 8i Parallel Server on Linux install
- Oracle 9.0.1 interMedia
- oracle 9.0.1 on solaris 8 VERY slow
- Oracle 9i - Release 1 or 2
- Oracle 9i and Release 2
- Oracle 9i behind a NAT w/SSH
- Oracle 9i DBA certification ( upgrade from 8i ) requirement
- Oracle 9i installation error with Windows 2000 SP2
- Oracle 9i on Linux
- Oracle 9i on Mac OS X - question...
- Oracle 9i on MSCS without RAC
- Oracle 9i R2 vs Oracle Express 6.3
- Oracle 9i RAC
- Oracle 9i RAC + GFS
- Oracle 9i Standard vs Enterprise
- Oracle 9iAS Kernel Parameters
- oracle 9iAS release 2 server log
- Oracle and web server
- Oracle autostart on Windows
- Oracle compatibilty problems
- Oracle connection through ASP
- Oracle datafile size in Windows
- Oracle DW Servers
- oracle french and php
- Oracle iAS
- Oracle installer hangs
- Oracle Knowledge base software by quest
- Oracle License
- Oracle Licensing Guide: where
- Oracle Myth II - ??
- Oracle otrace bug
- Oracle performance tuning
- Oracle Replication
- Oracle Rman Worry
- Oracle Server Cost
- Oracle server versions
- Oracle server won't auto start after switching domains
- Oracle statistics
- Oracle transaction log?
- Oracle Transparent Gateways
- oracle user in SQLPLUS
- Oracle user management.
- oracle versions?
- Oracle Web Connections
- oracle.jdbc.driver not found in import
- oracle8.17 in RedHat linux7.3 . can not run oemapp dbastudio
- Oracle9iAS Datasources question
- Oraclewow
- Oralce INIT.ORA Question
- ORASHUT.bat on 8i ?
- OTN Oracle 8i on Windows white paper
- OUI question
- Partition Indexes
- Passing an array from a trigger.
- Passing PL/SQL tables in formal parameter list
- passing table name as parameter - CORRECTION
- password change timestamp
- Patches !!!!
- Patching HPUX to 8174 fails
- PC-Linux : Can't connect across network
- Performance
- Performance disparity between Oracle 8 and 8i
- Performance Issue
- Performing Backups via the GUI
- pga setting Oracle 9.2 recommodations?
- Physical block reads difference
- Pl Help - Oracle Apps 11.5.7 Win2K installation error
- PL/SQL cursor status without fetching???
- please someone help me with sql
- Portal
- powerbuilder unable to send more than 1000 elements in the number array - dw parameter
- Practice Servers for OCP
- Primary and Foreign Key constraints
- Primary and Foreign key problem
- Primary key
- Pro*C Example
- PRO*Cobol
- problem updating a resultset in jdbc when returning cursor from function
- Problem with Hash sub-partitioning
- problem with ORA-02019
- Problems with Power function
- processes
- Query not working in ASP
- Querying the dictionary Tables
- question about LONG RAW
- question about oracle ops and high availiable
- Question; SQL Plus commands and NT Batch file.
- Questions about Plumtree
- RAW(16) as Primary Key
- RBS full
- re-binding variables in OCI statements
- Recovering Dropped Tables with no Backup
- Recovering the Data from DBF files
- Recovery keeps asking for more logfiles
- Recovery on a New Machine
- Recovery problem
- RedHat 7.1 and Oracle 8.0.5
- Redo log size and standby database
- reducing archive logs generation with nologging option
- Reorganize System Tablespace
- reorganize tablespace
- Replication
- report 9i: email report with multiple attachment
- Restore & Recovery
- retrieve CLOB column in SQLPlus
- Retrieving partitioning information
- Returning "system views" as tables.
- Reverse Key Index
- RMAN - Failed due ti could not find file.
- RMAN - Restoring to other host
- RMAN backup of a duplicate database
- RMAN backups while automatic archiving is disabled
- RMAN error ORA-19511: SBT-7009
- rman: determining backup status
- rollback segment errors
- rollback segment initial size
- Rollback tablespace size
- rowid in blockid
- Running RAC across dark fibre connection
- School Corporal Punishment
- Scope of "EXEC SQL PREPARE" Statement Name
- secure encrypted listener
- select + insert vs. insert and catching exception
- Select question
- Server Express & Oracle 9i
- Setting up a SQL*Net/Net8 Proxy?
- Setup fails on NT4 with downloaded Oracle 8i zip image
- Severe, Intermittent Performance Problems - Oracle8173 on Solaris 2.8
- SGA how big ???
- sharing same tablespace , can't see table of other user?
- shutdown immediate hangs
- Six of one . . .
- Slow exports Oracle & 4 and " alter system flush shared_pool "
- slowing down archiver or more and smaller redo logs?
- So, the 9i shut down my DNS server, and I still can't run the HTTP server..........
- solaris 9.0
- Solution : Accessing Oracle databases with non-English data from a W2K English machine
- some additional information ...
- some additional information ... -> Syntax /etc/system ?
- sort area and temp in 9i
- sorts (rows)
- SOS : error when recover datafile : ORA-00279
- space queries slow
- Specifying drive letter in RMAN
- sql loader problem
- SQL Order
- SQL prodecure to compute ranking
- sql script not running
- sql tuning
- sql worksheet
- SQL*Plus Error 193 fail to launch!
- SQL*Plus formatting question
- SQLPlus clear screen oddity
- Standby Server on Oracle 9i Standard Edition
- Starting Oracle on Unix Reboot
- Startup the database automatically
- Statspack viewer
- Status is not 'VALID' for one TYPE in SYS !!!
- stored procedure
- stored view with parameters?
- Storing encrypted strings in a password column
- straight forward Oracle unix web solution sought
- Strange behaviour of Ora 9.2
- strange ora-12545 when connecting with pro*c program
- strange!! linux 7.3, oracle 8.17 .the oem can not enter any character.
- system file recovery
- System hangs by initializing JRE
- system values and remote databases
- Table design question
- Table Statistics Without Analyzing
- Table structure
- Tables Quota Usage - How?
- tablespace
- Testing Stored Procedures with OUT-Parameter in QSL*Plus
- thanx guys
- The limit of the unlimited ?
- the OracleMysidService could not be stopped.
- Thoughts on Enterprise manager
- tilde ~ in index, how to handle
- timestamp question
- To RAID or not to RAID (...or how to RAID)
- TOAD free gives OCi dll error in Sql*Net 9i
- Tools to query DB and present results in a Graphical format
- trigger
- Triggers from SQL SERver to Oracle
- Troubles installing Oracle 8i under Win98
- Trying to connect oracle
- tuning problem
- Two instances and traces problems
- Two Versions of Oracle / Common Database Access
- type of network
- Typical Read:Write ratio for transactions that actually hit the disk
- Ultimate Question: Oracle, MSSQL, Others vs MYSQL LIMIT Statement
- unexpected ORA-1652: alter index rebuild partition tablespace
- UNICenter TNG Alert Oracle Database Server Memory hit 90%
- UNION: SQL-tuning
- Unix Training needed - where to get it?
- Update table.
- Urgent - Running catalog.sql during instance creation
- Use a Single SQLCA
- Use control file rebuild to increase log size
- using JServer...how to configure/use........new to this, please help
- UTL_FILE getting invalid path on Oracle 7.3.4.
- UTL_SMTP on O817@netware
- VARCHAR2 and trailing spaces - what's going on!
- Views on views
- Vigilantes trash the Internet
- Virtual Private Database
- Wanted - Exam Prep Guides for 8 to 8i Upgrade
- Web stuff :o(
- What is a good blocksize to use.
- What use is OCP ?
- What Use is OCP? Plenty!
- What's the Best Practice To Synchronize A Table With External Data?
- Where are the Oracle docs?
- Where has pro*C gone (Oracle9i)?
- Where is RMAN doing the work?
- Where is the temporary table I created?
- Which RBS is my Update using ?
- why index is not used in query execution plan ?
- why r more archives generated during hot backup
- why this trigger doesn't work??
- Will Oracle 91 for linux work or is it certified for RH 7.3 (Valhalla)?
- WIN2000 Services missing ?
- Windows 2k Oracle 8.1.7 Installation Problems
- Windows2000 8gig RAM with XEONS
- Windows: Create DB creation scripts from an running instance
- work around?
- xhost
- XML to CLOB to Oracle stored proc using JDBC is too slow
- Yet another partitioning question
- Last message date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 00:46:08 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 03:01:56 CST