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I am a developer with very little oracle experience and I have
recently been asked to build a new oracle server Oracle 9.2.0 on Win
The exisiting databases are on oracle 8.1.6 on NT and cold backups are
performed each night. I plan to populate the new db with an export.
The database will run in archivelog mode.
I can afford to bring the database offline after 11.00pm each night
until about 7.00am, but the IT manager wants 'hot backups'
I have two databases db1 and db2 below is the file sturcture
Drive C is the operating system and drive d holds the oracle install.
Each disk below has about 30GB of space.
The estimated size of each DB is about 10GB. Each disk is mirrored.
Drive DB1 DB2 E Undo Tablespace Undo Tablespace Control file Control file Archive log group F Temp tablespace DATA TABLESPACE REDO Log groups 1-3 AUDIT TABLESPACE Control file G System tablespace TEMP tablespace Archive log REDO Log groups 1-3 Control file H DATA tablespace Index tablespace Audit tablespace control file I DATA tablespace System tablspace Audit tablespace Archive Log Control file J index tablspace Data tablespace Archive Log Audit tablespace
I plan to multiplex control files, redo logs and archive logs. I have another drive K which i hope to use for backups. I want to use RMAN to do backups. I plan to do a level 1 backup on sunday
allocate channel d1 type disk;
setlimit channel d1 kbytes 2097150 maxopenfiles 32 readrate 200;
set maxcorrupt for datafile 1,2,3,4,5 to 0;
incremental level 0 cumulative
skip inaccessible
tag sunday_level_0
format 'K:\DB1\df_t%t_s%s_p%p'
copy current controlfile to 'K:\DB1\DB1Sunday.ctl';
sql 'alter system archive log current';
format 'K:\DB1\al_t%t_s%s_p%p'
archivelog all
delete input;
release channel d1;
I will use the control file as the recovery catalog.
And a level 2 on monday,tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday.
Thursday i will do a level 1.
I also plan to do an export of the main user each night and shutdown
the database on a wednesday night and do a full cold backup. The K
drive will be backuped to tape about 5.00 in the morning.
Is this a good/bad backup strategy?
If I lose one of the rman backups can I easily restore from an old
If something happens to the K:\DB1\ will i be able to restore the
Any comments on the physical structure of the database welcome
Thanks in advance Received on Thu Sep 26 2002 - 02:32:04 CDT