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Re: 9i DBCA hangs while running on AIX 5L

From: Rauf Sarwar <>
Date: 11 Sep 2002 16:26:09 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Rauf Sarwar) wrote in message news:<>...
> Oracle: 9i (Standard Edition)
> OS: AIX 5L (5.11)
> RAM: 3GB
> Swap: 5GB
> Disk Space available for datafiles: 95GB
> Kernel Parameters: Not required on AIX 5L
> Owner: oracle
> Groups: oinstall, dba, oper
> Install: Brand new server with fresh Oracle install so there are no
> other releases on the server.
> JDK: 1.3.1
> Env: All Oracle env variables set e.g. Oracle_Home, Oracle_Base,
> Libpath etc.
> I had recently installed Oracle in silent mode (My first 9i install).
> Had some errors during installation which all of them related to a
> required missing OS performance statistics fileset. I installed the
> fileset and successfully relinked all Oracle libraries afterwards. Now
> everything runs OK i.e. sqlplus, dbca, netca etc. Listener also starts
> up without any errors.
> The problem I am running into is that the dbca (Database Config.
> Assist) hangs forever at 4% when I try to create a database. Started
> the process at 7:00pm and next day at 8:00am... it was still hung. I
> also tried just running the scripts but same result. It only creates 1
> control file out of 3 and then hangs forever. I switched around some
> init.ora parameters but nothing changes. No usefull info in the alert
> log either. I have seen few notes on Metalink and here also but most
> of them deal with Win2K, linux or Sun. I tried some of the things on
> AIX but to no avail. Have pretty much also followed the installation
> guide step by step and performed all root and oracle user steps. If
> someone else ran into similar situation on AIX, I would like to know
> the workaround or Metalink DocID.
> Have not run into anything like this before on AIX, Sun, Win2K etc
> with 8i or prior releases. So far, I am not too impressed with the
> install process of 9i. Maybe that will change after I get over this
> hump.
> //Rauf Sarwar

I resolved the issue after trying few different things. Here is what I did if someone else gets stuck in similar situation.

  1. Increased the swap space from 5GB to 6GB (2 * Physical memory). Although this does not seem to be an issue because after creating one instance, I deactivated the swap segment and was still able to create another instance.
  2. Reapplied/Updated the following OS APAR fixes. IY28111, (IY22854), IY26778, IY28766, IY28949, IY29965, IY30150. Some but not all of these APAR's are listed as pre installation steps for AIX 5.1 in install guide. I would suggest to apply all these APAR's before starting the installation. This will prevent any hassles afterwards. These can be downloaded from Relinked all Oracle libraries afterwards.
  3. Changed the AIX Asynchronous I/O (AIO) MINSERVER and MAXSERVER parameter values from 1 and 10 to 10 and 20. This is listed as one of the AIX tuning parameters in APPENDIX A of 9i Administrator Reference guide for AIX.

//Rauf Sarwar Received on Wed Sep 11 2002 - 18:26:09 CDT

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