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Re: Recovery problem

From: Foggy <>
Date: 19 Sep 2002 06:37:44 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi Richard,

This is the background of my problem:
i have a hot backup of a production database, that I need to restore to a stand-alone server. On that server, queries will be executed to feed a data warehouse. The database should be updated every night, and the idea was that it would be the cheapest solution to use the hot backup of the production server, and recover it on the stand-alone server.
This should be done automatically by a script, but until now I only could do an incomplete recovery with 'recover until cancel', and I can not automate the answer that this command requires (the word 'cancel').
So, I want to do a complete recovery, but Oracle keeps asking for logfiles until the current online redo logfile is reached. And the only possibility that remains is an incomplete recovery :( Replication requires to much maintenance in case of database changes, and can not be used (not my choice, but I have to live with it).

Is there a solution for my problem, or is there another way to do what i have to do?

Regards, Johan

Oracle 8.0.5 on WinNT 4

"Richard Foote" <> wrote in message news:<riei9.35685$>...
> Hi Foggy,
> I don't know the full history here so forgive me.
> Are you trying to perform a complete recovery by restoring a hot backup
> datafile that you haven't yet taken out of backup mode ?
> If so, interesting, but assuming the backup has completed, then there
> shouldn't be a problem (the fact they're still recorded in backup mode
> should make no difference). Restore the datafile(s), recover the datafile,
> tablespace, database (depending on what you're trying to recover) and it
> will simply apply all the required redo logs, resync the buggers and you're
> away.
> You should get the magical Media Recovery Complete message and be able to
> put the datafile, tablespace or database online.
> That's *if* I understood your question correctly.
> Good Luck
> Richard
> "Foggy" <> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> >
> > when i restore the datafiles from a hot backup, then the backup status
> > of these
> > files is shown as 'ACTIVE' before starting a recovery. Is this normal?
> > The problem is that I can't do a complete recovery, and some of you
> > suggested
> > that the datafiles could still be in backup mode. I cannot set the
> > datafiles to 'end backup', because Oracle says that recovery is
> > required.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > Regards, Johan
Received on Thu Sep 19 2002 - 08:37:44 CDT

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