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I am new to Virtual Private Database and could use some help. Can
anyone experienced in setting up VPD kindly review this code? I
simply want to select on a table that has a security policy to filter
data by hostname=customer_id (meaning the user can only view the data
in the table reflecting their 'hostname'). All procedures have been
compiled successfully with no warnings and when tested the context is
being set and the value of customer_id is being set with the
The problem is when I 'select * from lot', I get the errors below...
Can any one help me? Thanks in advance.
ORA-28112: failed to execute policy function
And the trace file displays:
Policy function execution error:
Logon user : TEST Table or View : TEST.LOT Policy name : LOT_POLICY Policy function: TEST.LOT_SEC.SET_CUSTOMER_IDORA-06550: line 1, column 59:
Table: Lot
lot_id number,
lot_create_date date,
customer_id varchar2(12) (value equals user's hostname)
Context: lot_sec_ctx (created successfully) create or replace context lot_sec_ctx using test.lot_sec;
Procedures: (created successfully)
create or replace package lot_sec is procedure
end lot_sec;
create or replace package body lot_sec as
procedure set_customer_id
customer_id_var varchar2(12);
customer_id_var := SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','HOST'); dbms_session.set_context('LOT_SEC_CTX','customer_id',customer_id_var);end set_customer_id;
EXECUTE DBMS_RLS.add_policy -
Received on Sat Sep 21 2002 - 22:34:04 CDT