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Jonathan Lewis wrote:
> Definitely worth doing, since the analytic features
> are not available to standard edition.
> Your pl/sql produces the method that the analytic
> functions label as 'dense_rank()' by the way.
> If two people tie for third place, the next person
> is given 5th place if you want to emulate the rank()
> function.
ok you won the real rank function then :)
create or replace package my_package as
last_ranking number := 0;
last_points number :=-1;
ties number :=0;
create or replace function ranking(points_of_user in number)
return number as
if my_package.last_points!=points_of_user then
my_package.last_ranking :=my_package.last_ranking+1+my_package.ties; my_package.ties := 0; else my_package.ties := my_package.ties+1;end if;
create or replace function dense_ranking(points_of_user in number)
return number as
if my_package.last_points!=points_of_user then
my_package.last_ranking := my_package.last_ranking+1;
end if;
return my_package.last_ranking;
create or replace procedure reset_rankings as begin
my_package.last_points:=-1; my_package.last_ranking:=0; my_package.ties:=0;