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Sounds like the oracle executable not having the right permissions, most
likely setuid not being set.
If you do
$ ls -l oracle
output should be something like:
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle73 dba 11243840 Sep 14 1999 oracle
Mind the "s"-s. the command to accomplish this would be:
$ chmod 6755 oracle
<> schreef in bericht
> I am hopping that someone who encounterred this problem, a long time
> ago would remember how they went about fixing it ...
> Unix version : SunOS scotty 4.1.4 3 sun4c
> Oracle version : ORACLE RDBMS V6. - Production
> I am trying to create a tablespace but encountering privilege problems
> I have an osuser who belongs to dba group in the unix environment.
> ... using sqldba.
> SQLDBA> connect internal
> Connected.
> SQLDBA> create tablespace guy datafile '/b/ora/dbs/guy.dbf' size 1M;
> ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
> ORA-01116: error in opening database file
> '/b/ora/dbs/E70_emul_space_20.dat'
> ORA-07368: sfofi: open error, unable to open database file.
> SunOS Error: 13: Permission denied
> If the osuser is oracle , it works fine. -
> Also if we open up the security on the directory (777),
> the tablespace will get created, but the owner (and privileges) will
> be those of the OSUSER who called up SQLDBA (vs oracle).
> Is there a flag in Oracle 6, or does this sound like a program
> corruption ?
> I'd appreciate any hints or clues.
> Tia
> Guy Quesnel
Received on Mon Sep 30 2002 - 01:36:57 CDT