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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: number of extents question
Thank You, Richard, for Your input.
Now, there is one more detail I would like to ask:
"Richard Foote" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi Jan,
> Option 2.
> One last point. Having one large extent may very well be the *worst* value
> to set a table to with respect to performance.
I do agree at once with this if it comes to very large tables of several GB.
Now, I do not have many big tables -
most of them are around 10-30MB, only one is 200MB and one is 1GB, in a
special TS; all TS are dictionary managed.
I inherited the db from former specialists, and the management has a quite
conservative attitude what schema objects we use.
So we do not have any partitioning (due to exp limitations),
no LOBs or Object Types, no Java, just PL/SQL and Forms/Reports in a C/S
The 1GB table has 40 extents, the one with 200MB has 25. Would You do something about it at all ?
Some smaller indices with very small INITIALs have some 1000 extents. I would reorganize them into one bigger extent. Would You ?
I would be glad to hear from You. Jan Received on Wed Sep 11 2002 - 08:51:17 CDT