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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Copy tables from oracle 7 to oracle 9
A Schema is created when any new user is created ( maybe only if granted resource , not at my desk at the moment) so read up on creating new users.. wrote:
>>What SQLServer refers to as a 'database' is generally referred to as a
>>'schema' in Oracle. What SQLServer refers to as an 'instance' is
>>generally referred to as a 'database' in Oracle.
>Thank you now everything is more clear.
>>So, if you found the scott schema, you've found the database
>>(SQLServer sense) you're looking for.
>Now I've created the two tables I need in the Scott schema to do my
>But how can I create a new schema? Is not in Create menu, I found
>create tables and I can choose the schema and the tablespace.
>So I used the scott schema and system tablespace.
>But if I want to create a new schema, with my table?
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