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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: client-server without the server..
> From Justin:
>Machine A (client) Machine B (server)
>Windows 98 Windows 2000 Pro
>Oracle 8.1.5 client Oracle 8.1.5 client and database
>Is this correct?
>Now, when you fire up SQL*Plus on B, you can connect to the database
>on B. When you fire up SQL*Plus on A, however, and try to connect to
>the database on B, you get the 'can not resolve service name' error.
>Does this accurately describe the situation?
Yes, very much so.
>Are you experienced setting up TNS names files in general?
Well, if close to a 100 of 'regular'
installations/set ups/configurations on Windoze, a couple on
Solaris & Linux constitutes
experiance, I guess so. (Maybe not in my case :o( ...)
>Can you
>post the relevent TNSNames entry on machine B for the database on B?
Sorry, nope, was couple of weeks ago, but it was just a default install of 8.1.5 se - default tnsnames & listener for default ORCL sid db.
>I assume you've tried copying this entry to A without success.
>I'm assuming that you've made two installs of the Oracle client, one
>on A and one on B (client would have been installed on B at the same
>time you installed the database on B). Is this correct?
>You're not
>trying to share a single install between the two machines, are you?
>a listener on each machine ...
A listener on W98? Are you sure?
Exactly, that's why I did not use terms like disk-controller and water cooler. :-)
thanks again,
Received on Fri Sep 06 2002 - 14:25:20 CDT