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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> newbie: dynamic cursor query
I'm trying to write a pl/sql program that will return multiple rows.
I was able to return a single row query, no problem, but I seem to be
stumped on what I need to incorporate for multi-rows. Below is the
query, non-working of course, I'm trying to get a result containing
the table name(s), and corresponding counts for different job
CURSOR c1 IS select owner||'.'|| table_name table_name from all_tables where table_name like '%emp_tb%'; employee_tables all_tables%rowtype; sqlSelect varchar2(255); kount number; job varchar2(255); begin For employee_tables in c1 loop sqlSelect := 'select job, count(*) from' ||employee_tables.table_name || ' group by job; execute immediate sqlSelect into kount, job;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Number of rows in
||kount||'.'||job||'.'); end loop;