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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: To RAID or not to RAID (...or how to RAID)
For my clarification...what is the SAME Paper? Eric
Niall Litchfield wrote:
> "Rick Denoire" <> wrote in message
> > SELECT greeting_name FROM greetings
> > WHERE greeting_name="HELLO";
> Hi
> >
> > I am planning to put an Oracle DB (8.1.7, Solaris 2.7) on a RAID
> > System from Dell with 10 HDs in a RAID 1/0 configuration.
> >
> > My question is, should I make one logical device out of all disks and
> > just put all tablespaces there? Or should I make groups of disks
> > holding different kind of data?
> This is an interesting question for me as I just had the opportunity to
> consider this on a new system we built. What we did was to seperate the
> tablespaces (which are defined by the vendor's application) onto seperate
> raid volumes. Yes it was expensive in disk. This mirrored the way the prior
> version of the app had been setup by the vendor. The logic here is that the
> data is split by type of access (static tables,historic tables,transactional
> tables etc). What I wanted to do was to create one huge raid volume for data
> and stripe across many disks the logic here is that in the SAME paper. Then
> I wanted to benchmark the performance with the system setup both ways.
> I had two problems with this.
> 1. What is a suitable benchmark? I decided that a days worth of sql
> extracted from running logminer against the previous db might be
> appropriate.
> 2. Time vs benefit. I suspect that organising data optimally as opposed to
> 'well enough' would be likely to produce performance gains of in the order
> of 5%. tuning indexes, memory, sort etc will give me better results.
> So if you can identify a suitable benchmark, and have the time I'd say do
> the experiment. If time and effort is short go with your standard build and
> concetrate on the application. that is where you'll derive most benefit.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission UK
> *****************************************
> Please include version and platform
> and SQL where applicable
> It makes life easier and increases the
> likelihood of a good answer
> ******************************************
Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 09:54:13 CDT