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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: some additional information ...
Hi Daniel,
this are the settings I draw from the release notes of the Oracle 9i DB-Server v2 for Solaris. Do you have any other (where from)? The only thing I would like to do is to create a db on a private server for starting some SQL; Pl/SQL; Java developing. Right now it just sucks ...
so long
> I can't remember if this is the Solaris install from earlier in the day
> ... but if it is your /etc/system settings don't even remote resemble
> those recommended by Oracle.
> If not ... installation of Java requires about a 30MB Java Pool to run
> well which can later be dropped to 32K if you are not using any Java.
> Daniel Morgan
Received on Tue Sep 17 2002 - 04:13:40 CDT