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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: solaris 9.0
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:26:35 +0200, "franz" <>
>hello ,
>I am looking for installing Oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris 9. Can anybody provide
>me the techical documentation for installation, bug report ect. It will be
>greatful if I get these information early as possible.I looked for the
>installation document on oracle site, but couldn't find it installing for
>solaris 9.
>thanks franz
So you can safely assume 8.1.7 is not certified for Solaris 9, as it hit the market before Solaris 9.
Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Thu Sep 19 2002 - 11:47:21 CDT