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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Forms 9i problem - could the f90servlet be missing?
Still looking into this problem. I have discovered that there is no file named "f90servlet" on my machine. I assume this is the problem - or is the an alias for something else?
I have tried re-installing Oracle9i DS without any change to the behaviour. Someone out there must know what is going on!
Thanks for any help or suggestions!
"jennifer muise" <> wrote in message news:...
> Hi,
> I am working with Oracle9i EE and Oracle9i DS. I am trying to generate a
> simple form just to see that Forms Builder is working. I am using the
> fields in the scott.emp table to be displayed in a form. I have started
> OC4J instance. The error occurs when attempting to display the WEB page (I
> select the green light). The browser is launched with the banner "Invalid
> syntax error - Microsoft Internet Explorer". The window contains "The page
> cannot be displayed". The address is listed as:
> ges=NO&array=YES&query_only=NO&quiet=NO&RENDER=YES"
> Yes, I have replaced with a few "XXXX"s for security reasons. Perhaps, I
> being anal.
> Could it be that the %20s are not being replaced with the actual values?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks.
Received on Fri Sep 27 2002 - 15:18:36 CDT