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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: how to store timestamp in oracle 8.1.7?
Yes, My Bad...
The new TIMESTAMP in 9i is the one like DB2's ( and other 'real' timestamps) - Since I never needed millisecond capability, I
never noticed the lack...
( We all tend to think our view of the universe is the only correct one)
spamdump_at_nospam.noway.nohow (Ed Stevens) wrote:
>On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 12:45:27 -0500, TurkBear <> wrote:
>>Please IGNORE this poster is INCORRECT ; the Oracle DATE type is, in fact, a TIMESTAMP - it has date and time ( to the
>>second) and you use it exactly like a timestamp as long as you enter the data correctly;;
>Except the OP specifically said he was looking for a TIMESTAMP like DB2 has.
>THAT timestamp resolves time to the millisecond, so while Ora 8x has a datatype
>that has both date and time components, it's NOT the same as DB2 TIMESTAMP.
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