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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: find Stale process
You can use this query to find "STALE" sessions.
set linesize 95
col name form a35
col value form a20
set head off
set feedback off
select ' '||upper(name)name,value
from v$parameter
where name = 'timed_statistics'
set feedback on
set head on
col event form a13 trunc head "Event| Waiting For"
col p2 form 99999 trunc
col wait_time form 999 trunc head "Last|Wait|Time"
col program form a13 trunc
col command form a7 trunc head "Command"
col username form a8 trunc
col state form a10
col sid form 999 trunc
col last_call_et form 9999999 trunc head "Last Call|In Secs"
select a.sid,username,b.program program,
decode(command,0,'None',2,'Insert',3,'Select', 6,'Update',7,'Delete',10,'Drop Index',12,'Drop Table', 45,'Rollback',47,'PL/SQL',command) command, last_call_et, event,p1,p2,state,wait_time
The rows with null usernames are for background processes. So the sessions with high "Last Call In Secs" and the wait event of "SQL*Net message from client" are stale.
Received on Thu Sep 05 2002 - 05:21:30 CDT