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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: straight forward Oracle unix web solution sought
Mark Bonneville wrote:
> Pardon this newbie to Oracle. We have a competent Oracle DBA in house
> but his knowledge falls shy of Web Admin. We have an 8.1.7 Oracle
> instance running on AIX 4.3. I want to connect the instance to the
> web.
> I understand Oracle comes with Apache and have a request pending to
> have it installed and configured on the same server as the Oracle
> instance. I have worked with Progress, SQL Server and DB2 and set up
> multiple web sites so I am passingly familiar with web architecture,
> html, cgi, perl etc. I have set up my own connections between dbs and
> web server via ksh, perl and cgi. I am hoping for a tighter
> integration for Oracle.
> What I need to know is which Oracle solution, toolkit, software
> topology I should employ to join the Oracle instance and the web
> server so that I can retrieve the database and server metric data I
> will store there. Queries will be submitted via html forms and I
> intend to present the data in line charts (for which I use gnuplot and
> ppmtogif on my other sites). I usually create web pages in an HTML
> tool and then add scripting to handle the data presentation.
> I undertand there is WebDB (for NT and Solaris only?), Oracle Web
> Server, Oracle Application Server (v9?), PSP, Oracle Web Toolkit, OAS
> etc etc and all of this over a variety of Oracle versions.
> Can you point me in the right direction for a basic Oracle DB <--> Web
> solution?
> Many Thanks,
> Mark
If you have no specific needs ... just a connection to the web don't waste time with PSP, OAS, Java, etc. Just get the Apache web server running and use the built-in HTP and HTF packages. Even 9iAS, as good as it is, is there for a specific purpose. If you don't need it don't invest a ton of effort in its purchase, installation, configuration, etc.
Daniel Morgan Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 09:53:05 CDT