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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: replication
Pete Sharman wrote:
> In article <>, Kenneth says...
> >
> snip
> >> >3. Can CLOBs and BLOBS be replicated with 8.1.7?
> >>
> >> I think so (can't remember the exact version this came in, but I think it was
> >> 8i. LONG's and LONG RAW's can't and never will be.
> >
> >Is there any practical workaround for LONG and LONG RAW that bypasses the
> >normal replication framework?
> Yup, use a version that supports replication of CLOBs and BLOB's. That's far
> and away the easiest way to do it. I've seen workarounds for it, they've all
> been incredibly messy and generally unsupportable.
> >
> >Does replication only work if the repcat.sql script is run when creating the
> >database? Or does that just provide a different level of functionality?
> That's catrep.sql you mean, I presume? You need to run this to create the
> relevant packages and dictionary views. Without it, replication just ain't
> gonna work.
Ok, thanks. Received on Thu Sep 26 2002 - 07:12:43 CDT