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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Urgent - Running catalog.sql during instance creation
It's been a while since I did a manual database create, so I haven't
needed to run catalog.sql for a while. I do know that there are some
8000 or so java classes that the jvm has to compile and resolve
references on ... so I've seen it take quite a while before. That's the
main reason I use DBAssist and copy the starter database from the CD
(all that java stuff is already in there). It's easier, IMHO, to create
the starter db, then drop unnecessary things than to start from scratch.
Before Oracle decided to put the jvm in their db, building a new "empty"
db was "quick" (well, by my definition, it was quick).
Peace On Earth wrote:
> I am trying to run the
> $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql
> script during database creation. It is taking forever to do it - now
> past 60 minutes - the script seems to have stopped executing. Is it
> supposed to act like this or is something wrong? Is there any way
> around it? Earlier today I tried it and after about 60 minutes I
> pressed CTRL-C but it merely went to next statement which in turn got
> frozen.
> OS is AIX poppy 3 4 000FA3FD4C00
> Oracle Running is 8.1.6
> Thank You
> Riz
Received on Fri Sep 20 2002 - 14:49:59 CDT