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c.d.o.server: by subject
- Adding two different columns in a view
- Backup strategy using RMAN
- Block Corruption, cant start DB -SOS
- Can I use the Windows NT logon on Oracle Portal?Has anyone managed to take advantage of the fact that a Portal-user already is logged on to NT?
- chinese Character problem on Oracle, windows 98 and windows 2000
- COBOL, PL/SQL, or both
- commits and sql trace
- Comparison with AIX/Solaris
- Data Buffer Cache
- Disable NoLogging-Transaction
- Fine Grain Security and select... for update
- Help: Too much rollback info
- How can I use oci driver on client machine without install oracle client
- How long will 8.1.7 survive?
- How to find the Database version without opening the Database
- How to make a copy of database on the same linux
- Infamous JRE Installation Problem with 9i Again. :-(
- Is 9i RAC worth pursuing?
- Library Cache Pin problems
- newbie: A Quickie for some guru out there.
- Novice: Retrieve Service Name
- OCI9 driver
- optimal size for rollback
- ORA-00449: background process 'LGWR' unexpectedly terminated with error 340 ??
- ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name in sql+ only
- oracle versions?
- oracle.jdbc.driver not found in import
- Oralce INIT.ORA Question
- OUI question
- PC-Linux : Can't connect across network
- Recovering the Data from DBF files
- Recovery on a New Machine
- shutdown immediate hangs
- slowing down archiver or more and smaller redo logs?
- solaris 9.0
- system values and remote databases
- Table Statistics Without Analyzing
- thanx guys
- timestamp question
- Two instances and traces problems
- Two Versions of Oracle / Common Database Access
- Update table.
- Urgent - Running catalog.sql during instance creation
- using JServer...how to configure/use........new to this, please help
- why r more archives generated during hot backup
- Last message date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 22:53:24 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 03:01:56 CST