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Re: Copy tables from oracle 7 to oracle 9

From: TurkBear <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:41:31 -0500
Message-ID: <>

to get the tables form 7 use the oracle v 7 export utility ( not through the enterprise manager) in command line mode..Copy the *.dmp file to the laptop and use the IMPORT command line utility to get the tables into v9 - but, be sure the owners are pre-created ( or use the fromuser= touser= options, but, hey, that requires learning something about Oracle) wrote:

>I agree with you that is not the right way to proceed, but actually is
>the fastest for me, because my software will have to do a "select *
>from tablename" and that's really all, and my deadline is next week.
>So if I'll ever need to deal with Oracle databases in a serious way
>I'll begin to study it.
>Thanks anyway,
>>Yout truly -desperately- need to read the Oracle concepts guide.
>>Oracle is NOTHING like SQL Server. They are both databases, and that's about
>>it. Forget everything you learnt about what a "database" is, and read up on
>>Oracle tablespaces and schemas instead.
>>Do not attempt to use your SQL Server knowledge in an Oracle context. You
>>will be lead astray, and sent down dead ends without paddling instruments,
>>just to mix a metaphor or three.
>>Honestly: you cannot do Oracle if all you have is SQL Server knowledge. You
>>need to beef up a bit first. It;s not that one is necessarily better than
>>the other, but that they are so completely dissimilar. Even the word
>>'database' means different things to each product.
>>Visit, sign up for a free account, download the concepts
>>guide, and read and inwardly digest. Then we can talk turkey.
>><> wrote in message
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm completely new to Orcale, and I need to develop an application in
>>> CBuilder (windows) that reads very simple data from an Oracle 7
>>> database on UNIX.
>>> No problem with this, only I want to go to my client and copy the db
>>> (a few tables) on my laptop to work at the office.
>>> I downloaded and installed oracle 9i personal edition on the laptop,
>>> but I have no idea on how to copy the tables from db to db.
>>> I always worked with SQLServer, and the entreprise manager is quite
>>> similar, only when I go to export/import data the em ask me to log to
>>> oracle managment server to do it, I try with the system/mypassword but
>>> it doesn't work. But what is the oracle management server?
>>> Then I'm a little bit confused:
>>> In SQLServer Enterprise manager I'm used to have in the tree, first
>>> the server with the instance, then the databases contained (system..+
>>> my databases) and in each database the tables,indexed, stored p. ecc
>>> ecc
>>> Is possible to have a view like this in Oracle? I've found the tables
>>> of the scott/tiger example under schema, but I don't think is the
>>> right way.
>>> Anyone can help me?
>>> Thanks!

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