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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: rollback segment errors
One of my fellow oracle developers once described this as
"rollback segment not enough" error :-).
Snapshot-too-old message is one on the most important ones in oracle. It has to do with oracle's inability to build a so-called read-consistent view required for the query.
ORA-1555 has several popular causes. The most common one (and that's very likely to be your problem) is referred to as "fetch across commits". It happens when you have a select statement on a table and update and commit it at the same time.
The mechanics behind this is too long to explain and I am not sure if you really want to know these details about how oracle works.
The fix to the problem at hand is to commit every so many records or better that, not to commit at all inside a loop. If you really update only 20 records, I see some point in commiting once at the end.
It is also possible that me (and others who answered this the same way) are wrong and your cause is something else. To be able to help you, post the code that is being executed.
shankar wrote:
> Hello,
> We are getting this error while I run a plsql process (just to update
> 20 records).
> ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 1 with name "R11"
> too small
> ORA-06512: at line 33
> DBA says we have about 10 G in rollback segment space.
> Snapshot too error bothers me.. No one else doing anything in the
> database.
> When we took all the rollback segments offline, and created one big
> rollback the process completed.
> (again next day, we had the smae problem even with one big rollback
> segment).
> Any idea/suggestion of what might be happening..
> According the dba, there is nothing wierd going in the db. We do have
> siebel server running on this db. I don't know whether siebel (which I
> hate) is causing problem.
> thanks in advance for your help
> shankar
Received on Sun Sep 29 2002 - 15:16:13 CDT