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by subject
Oracle-L: by subject
- "AT" scheduler
- "Never split index and data fi
- "Never split index and data files
- "Never split index and data files ...
- "Never split index and data files ..."
- Nuno Souto (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 19:50:18 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 13:51:15 CDT)
- Mark Leith (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 13:11:38 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 12:55:46 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 12:32:30 CDT)
- Tim Sawmiller (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 12:20:56 CDT)
- Haskins, Ed (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 12:00:19 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:35:17 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:17:31 CDT)
- Tim Sawmiller (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:11:21 CDT)
- Nuno Souto (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:57:04 CDT)
- Mark Leith (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:51:31 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Tue Apr 24 2001 - 08:04:58 CDT)
- Ed.Haskins_at_VerizonWireless.com (Mon Apr 23 2001 - 22:07:21 CDT)
- Haskins, Ed (Mon Apr 23 2001 - 13:04:28 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Sun Apr 22 2001 - 22:03:37 CDT)
- Steve Adams (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 21:01:13 CDT)
- Steve Adams (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 18:50:13 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 15:59:28 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 12:37:32 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 12:14:02 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 11:58:20 CDT)
- Haskins, Ed (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 11:46:36 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 10:45:03 CDT)
- Steve Adams (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 07:44:55 CDT)
- Allan Robertson (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 06:26:20 CDT)
- Steve Adams (Fri Apr 20 2001 - 01:47:24 CDT)
- 'PMON did not start after 120 seconds'
- (Fwd) [Kent Graziano] ODTUG Meets with Oracle!
- (Fwd) [robust VISA network] General Motors Retools Online Sales
- (Fwd) Oracle Application Development Tools - Statement of Dire
- (Fwd) Tar # 1339336.996:run all on one win2000 box: OEM, DB,
- (Fwd) Tar # 1339336.996:run all on one win2000 box: OEM, DB, Forms web server
- (Fwd) Tar # 1339336.996:run all on one win2000 box: OEM, DB, Forms Web server?
- (no subject)
- *.dbf, *.ctl, redo*.log access rite
- 2 RMAN questions
- 32bit v. 64bit Oracle
- 6 databases/one box/performance issue
- 7.3.4 svrmgrl requiring password if called by root user
- 8.1.6 on NT?
- 8.1.6 vs 8.1.7
- patch causing problems?
- 9iAS -- Boxes on which to run
- ??? import and strange PK violation error ???
- [Basic logon architecture for multiple apps in a db]
- [EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment]
- [sacoug] Oracle7 to Oracle8i: What changed for the DBAs and the Application Developers
- a minor clarification: SQL tuning is not a problem anymore ?
- A problem to ponder
- Ability for non DBA user to kill session.
- Acces forum
- Access forum
- ADMIN: Off-Topic (was: R
- advanced replication error v8.1.7 ORA-01403
- Advanced replication question
- Anyone out there using CA/Platinum's PR_OEE Tool?
- Anyone using Peoplesoft Financials 7.x on Oracle 8.0.x?
- AQapi
- AR_TAX_INTERFACE - Vertex Issue
- ASP Assistance
- async I/O with DB writer and LOG writer
- authentication externally on WinNT
- Automatic startup/shutdown script for Oracle 9i Application Server
- avoiding ora-1652 on temp tablespace
- AW: [EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment]
- AW: db link hangs
- AW: function to get GMT time
- Awfully annoying SQLLDR problem
- Background Process
- Backup & recovery site -Please view
- Backup for VLDB
- Basic logon architecture for multiple apps in
- Basic logon architecture for multiple apps in a db
- bFILES & Recovery Manager
- Bitmap Indexes sizes
- BLOB vs. B-File
- block_size
- Book review
- Buffer busy waits -- p3=1012 and 1016
- c compiler problem Solaris not found
- Calling Package / Procedure
- can I set a default index tablespace??
- Can one listener affect another?
- Can you create a database link back to same database?
- can't create portal schema in linux (sorry)
- cdump, bdump, udump
- Change email address
- Check the constraints
- Clone Oracle HRMS Application from instance A to B
- cluster/SAN
- Cold Fusion and Oracle
- Column name
- Column positionning in the table
- comments on tool
- Common Subquery Elimination in 8.1.7 causes incorrect
- Common Subquery Elimination in 8.1.7 causes incorrect results -
- Compaq Tru64 Kernel Parameters for Oracle
- Compare tow schemas
- Concatenate rows
- Confused with v$session and v$process
- connect OLE DB
- Constantly increasing process memory consumption
- Constraints
- Constraints with Synonyms?
- Conventions for naming indexes, constraints etc.
- Could not Connect to 8.1.6
- Course material conducted by Oracle
- CPU/Parse Time Reported by SQL Trace
- create second listener service on 2000/NT
- crontab for NT
- crontab fpr NT
- crontab script problem
- current transaction in oracle
- Database / OS monitoring tool
- Database and System Throughput
- Database Cache of Oracle9ias
- Database Connection Log!!!
- database links
- database links - had problem, hlp me urgent pls
- Database sync question ?
- Datafile needs media recovery
- datatype query
- date format ?
- db and apps migration
- db domain being appended to db links when global_names =
- db domain being appended to db links when global_names = fals
- db domain being appended to db links when global_names = false
- db link hangs
- DB2 forums/listserves
- DBA Studio
- DBA_FREE_SPACE - Problem gone
- DBA_FREE_SPACE - Weird problem
- DBA_USERS view
- dbms_space.free_blocks does not report correctly ?
- dbms_utility.analyze_schema
- Deallocate unused??
- Default database blocksize
- defragment ?
- Defragmentation on tablespace
- Dependent objects
- Designer 6i Versioning vs. ?
- Developer 1 to 6/6i migration strategies ?
- dictionary information
- Diff between local and network connection
- Direct Vs. SQL*net
- Displaying Images in a web browser- Reg
- Do not belive BUSH and your "army"
- Do not belive BUSH and your "army" gov
- Do not belive BUSH and your "army" goverment so much
- Do not belive MUSH and your "popcorn"
- Do not belive MUSH and your "POPCORN" goverment so much
- Don't Let Microsoft's Claim of Superior Database Security
- Don't Let Microsoft's Claim of Superior Database Security Fool
- DONE script enclosed: shell script to compare nos.
- Driving table
- Drop table problem
- Dropping partitions with data versus empty
- Enqueue timeouts
- Enqueue waits
- Entity Relationship diagrams
- Entity Relationship diagrams Qdesigner using same engine as P
- ERD Diagramming Program
- error when creating a base
- Error-00103 While Creating Type
- estimate of deleted data???
- Example of pl/sql
- Excessive CPU Utilization with OPS ?
- EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment
- Exp/Imp Fromuser/Touser & Security
- Exp/imp into different version
- failed to extent to the next
- filesystem buffer ON/OFF ?
- For you stock hounds out there
- FOREIGN KEY to a remote table. Is it possible?
- Forms 6i - Java Bean (Org Chart)
- Free Java dba monitoring tool and Java source code
- Ftp
- Full import from Oracle 7.3.4 on NT to Solaris 8.1.7
- function to get GMT time
- Further OT: Dr. Strangelove
- fwd [ODTUG] Listener Servlet White Paper
- fwd: 20 Differences Between Oracle on NT and Oracle on Unix
- Fwd: Materialised view
- Fwd: Quote Of The Day
- fyi: security issue with OAS
- Generate random number
- Generating Forms through API or Designer
- Good Oracle Apps listserv?
- Grumble - OTN is now as ugly as Oracle.com
- Happy Birthday List !!
- help
- Help - How to declare a cursor inside a FOR ... LOOP ?
- help - it's dark in here
- help - ora-12560
- help - spool file name - use variable
- Help - temp tablespace growing constantly
- Help -- OEM question
- help ..ias urgent
- Help with sqlloader
- HELP...Sizing our hardware for Oracle's 11i Apps
- hiding passwords on NT
- Histogram Helper
- Histogram Helper -- Follow up
- Home Grown Partitioning
- how can i export a table which include clob field
- How Can i Make D2k Application Web enabled?
- How can I tell if an index is a function-based index/
- How can you have 2 default_domain's in sqlnet.ora
- How do you turn off MTS?
- How does dropping a partition affect the rest of the table?
- how to connect thru perl script
- How to get jobs under WinAT to run as Oracle
- How to get rid off file permanently?
- how to install Oracle Developer2000 on Windows98 ?
- How to remove tablespace frgamentation
- How to see Archive of this list?
- How to test for all digits in string
- How to use Perl / DBI on NT
- How to wrap old sqlplus reports with Java and output html
- HP environment - standby db?
- HTP print problem
- Humor
- I'll just go and kill myself - was Metalink Response ....FYI
- Idle time
- imp - limitation on number of tables?
- Imp relationship tables
- import and strange PK violation error ???
- Import issue..
- Import views, packages, procedures, etc?
- Import/Export performance
- In Praise of Metalink
- Index Block Dumps
- index on table with 3 million rows ???
- index query
- Indexes causing a slowdown
- Input Cardinalities into dictionary for Optimizer Behaviour
- Insert ... nologging
- Insert Cardinalities into the data dictionary directly
- Insert from a table to another
- inserting into DATE colum
- installation of portal3.0 of 9iAS on linux
- Installing Oracle 8.1.6 Client on Solaris without x-windows
- Installing Oracle817 in parallel with an existing Oracle734
- Instance allocated more memory to the shared pool than set by the parameters
- Insufficient privs to connect internal
- Intermedia text table design
- intermedia?
- Is ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN a time-consuming operation ?
- Is there any oracle user group in France ?
- Java alternative to external procedures
- Java Programmer just getting started with Oracle......
- JDBC Drivers
- jdbc thin client driver
- JFS Options
- Jr. Oracle DBA Needed in Greenville, South Carolina..
- Kdb database engine
- Key generator for dbms_obfuscation package
- killing a thread
- Large Redo Logs
- Last modification
- Lawrence To's article on standby databases
- Left position
- Legato Networker Module
- Licensing! Again!!
- Licensing?
- Link to openworld papers
- Linux ver and Oracle
- List of user sessions
- Listener.log
- Locally Managed Tablespace Uniform Extent
- Locally Managed Tablespaces
- lock modes
- Long Raw Problems
- looking job
- Making use of 2 CPUs
- Manage of 9IAS
- Materialised view
- Max # of Open Files for UTL_FILE in
- Meeting at IOUG
- Norrell, Brian (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 15:45:59 CDT)
- Ron Rogers (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 07:43:15 CDT)
- Gene Sais (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 06:34:37 CDT)
- Peter Barnett (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 17:24:31 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 17:07:05 CDT)
- Thater, William (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:55:05 CDT)
- Arnold, Sandra (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:40:45 CDT)
- Bill Gentry (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:21:31 CDT)
- Ron Rogers (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:16:27 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:12:50 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:10:38 CDT)
- Terry Ball (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:01:22 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 15:56:04 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 15:46:20 CDT)
- Ron Rogers (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 15:31:41 CDT)
- James Howerton (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 14:54:07 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 13:57:55 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 13:23:52 CDT)
- SuzyV (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 13:13:56 CDT)
- Stephen Andert (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:53:02 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:49:04 CDT)
- Adams, Matthew (GEA, 088130) (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:47:33 CDT)
- Ari D Kaplan (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:46:15 CDT)
- Bill Gentry (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 11:25:22 CDT)
- Stephen Andert (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 11:19:53 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 11:17:46 CDT)
- Arnold, Sandra (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 09:36:26 CDT)
- Adams, Matthew (GEA, 088130) (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 07:54:16 CDT)
- Ron Rogers (Tue Apr 17 2001 - 07:28:51 CDT)
- Joseph S. Testa (Mon Apr 16 2001 - 21:38:52 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon Apr 16 2001 - 21:22:55 CDT)
- Murali Vallath (Mon Apr 16 2001 - 20:51:27 CDT)
- Meeting at IOUG -- Per Ari's suggestion
- meeting of list participants working in DC are
- meeting of list participants working in DC area
- memory
- Memory leak problem
- memory refresher
- Memory used per session
- MERANT PVCS ERP Change Manager for Oracle Questions
- MetaBlink
- Metalink Again
- Eric D. Pierce (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 14:58:21 CDT)
- David Messer (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 12:59:59 CDT)
- Jacques Kilchoer (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 12:51:12 CDT)
- Eric D. Pierce (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 12:20:11 CDT)
- David Messer (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:42:25 CDT)
- Terry Ball (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:37:45 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 10:08:56 CDT)
- Chaim.Katz_at_Completions.Bombardier.com (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 09:18:14 CDT)
- Brian_McQuillan_at_gelco.com (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 09:14:50 CDT)
- Schilling, Ben (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 08:41:49 CDT)
- Jenner Mike (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 08:13:17 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 07:15:53 CDT)
- Mark Leith (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 06:50:01 CDT)
- jkstill_at_cybcon.com (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 19:15:10 CDT)
- Eric D. Pierce (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 18:50:34 CDT)
- David Messer (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 18:02:07 CDT)
- David Messer (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 17:54:47 CDT)
- Steve Orr (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 17:09:49 CDT)
- Eric D. Pierce (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 17:02:54 CDT)
- Weaver, Walt (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:49:08 CDT)
- Guidry, Chris (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:47:05 CDT)
- Anderson, Brian (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:41:44 CDT)
- Val_Gamerman/Victoria_Financial.VICTORIA_FINANCIAL_at_lnn.com (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:31:35 CDT)
- Henry Poras (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:17:34 CDT)
- Khedr, Waleed (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:55:28 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:46:23 CDT)
- Cornio, Georgette Ms USACFSC (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:43:52 CDT)
- Cornio, Georgette Ms USACFSC (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:38:48 CDT)
- Thater, William (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:15:05 CDT)
- Anderson, Brian (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:14:36 CDT)
- Dasko, Dan (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 14:56:56 CDT)
- Fowler, Kenneth R (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 14:50:52 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 14:37:27 CDT)
- Fowler, Kenneth R (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 14:14:56 CDT)
- Brian_McQuillan_at_gelco.com (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 14:09:47 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 13:52:37 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 13:05:06 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 12:26:02 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 11:49:47 CDT)
- Murray, Margaret (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 11:18:27 CDT)
- TCarlson_at_bunge.com (Wed Apr 04 2001 - 10:18:55 CDT)
- Metalink Again, tandy computers
- Metalink error
- Metalink Response ....FYI
- Metalink Response ....More News!
- MIB for snmp/Intelligent agent
- Migrate Oracle 7.3.4 to 8.1.7 with BAAN
- migrating to 11i
- Migration from OAS to IAS
- Monitoring Archived Logs
- monitoring listener.log
- More Metalink Venting - Cannot catch error 22
- move schema away from system table space
- Moving Intell. Agent Ports?
- MS-DOS commands - list of ?
- MTS and Cost Based Analyzer
- MTS&Cost based Optimzer
- Multi Threaded Server
- Multi-Master Replication
- Multimaster Replication setup
- multiple archive destinations
- MySQL to Oracle conversion
- Need feedback on 9iAS
- Need fragmentation reports
- Need Help.
- need to run a scheduled task on the web app
- new DBA/DBO basic training
- New Requirement- Oracle Applications Side DBAs Needed in
- newbie Q: what is the maximum number of logfile member per gr
- newbie Q: what is the maximum number of logfile member per group?
- News flash - IBM b
- News flash - IBM buys
- News flash - IBM buys Informix
- No Listner...!!!!
- No Subject
- NOLOGGING creates txns in redo/archive logs
- not able to dump buffers
- NYTimes.com Article: Myth-Matched Nations
- OCP Discount code
- OCP: Book review
- OCP: Book review - midnight madness.
- odbc
- ODBC driver
- OEM Repos install error.
- oem2.2
- OFA and SAN - Why not group all db files on its own mount point?
- OFF TOPIC: How to control NT services from Solaris?
- Off Topic: OracleTuning.com call for papers
- Off Topic: Unix shell problem
- Off Topic: Unix shell script problem - Urgent advise needed
- Offtopic: Oracle Server Class Diagram
- OID installation
- One instance & On-line Doc & JDE queries
- Open for suggestions:Oracle & Unx Install
- OPS waits
- Optimizer Question/Puzzle
- Optimizer theory: Question on access paths for outer joins
- ORA - 1008 error when trying to insert data into a table
- ORA - 600 errors reported
- Ora Net problem , help.....
- ORA-01458
- ORA-04030
- ORA-04031
- ORA-07445
- ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kxsdmp()+188]
- ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kxsdmp()+188] [S
- ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kxsdmp()+188] [SIGBU
- ORA-07446
- ORA-12500
- ORA-12560 TNS: protocol adapter error
- ORA-24347 (null column in aggregate function) - SQL*Plus
- ORA-24347 (null column in aggregate function) - SQL*Plus 8.1.6 to
- ORACLE 816 ON WIN2000
- Oracle 9i Database - Does anyone know how to get a copy
- Oracle 9i Release (May?)
- Oracle 9iAS and Portal 3.0
- Oracle 9iAs on Linux intel
- Oracle and Support????
- Oracle Application Development Tools - Statement of
- Oracle Application Development Tools - Statement of D
- Oracle Application Development Tools - Statement of Direction
- oracle background process priorities
- Oracle being scalable
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Apr 06 2001 - 11:24:08 CDT)
- Gogala, Mladen (Fri Apr 06 2001 - 09:46:06 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Apr 06 2001 - 07:35:30 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Apr 06 2001 - 07:20:32 CDT)
- Gogala, Mladen (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 17:19:15 CDT)
- Eric D. Pierce (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 17:18:23 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 16:37:35 CDT)
- Steve Orr (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 15:59:52 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 13:30:03 CDT)
- Jacques Kilchoer (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 12:36:15 CDT)
- Glasrot, Nechama (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 12:33:48 CDT)
- Paul Baumgartel (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:44:48 CDT)
- Anderson, Brian (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:32:22 CDT)
- Ed.Haskins_at_VerizonWireless.com (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:17:01 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:09:57 CDT)
- Steve Orr (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:04:58 CDT)
- Glasrot, Nechama (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 10:53:08 CDT)
- Ruth Gramolini (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 10:36:22 CDT)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Apr 05 2001 - 09:22:26 CDT)
- Oracle being scalable"
- Oracle client for the desktop/Win 2000. Need help with which
- Oracle client for the desktop/Win 2000. Need help with which version.
- Oracle client install 8.1.7
- Oracle communication errors
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle DBA Needed in Rochester, New York..Top Notch Company
- Oracle DBA Needed in St. Louis-Great Opportunity..
- Oracle DBAs Needed in Albany, New York..
- Oracle DBAs Needed in Minneapolis, MN..
- Oracle Deployment Engineer (DBA) with Unix Sys Admin
- Oracle documentation downloads
- Oracle Financials DBA Needed in Sacramento, CA..
- Oracle Financials DBAs Needed in Charlotte, NC..
- Oracle Intermedia Search Query
- Oracle Learning Network (OLN) and Tech Based Training
- Oracle license prices
- Oracle License Question
- Oracle on Linux questions
- Oracle on NT - Slow performance
- Oracle on NT/2000 Service shutdown
- Oracle Patches
- Oracle Performance Tuning document
- Oracle Reports
- Oracle Reports - SQL
- Oracle Reports Server?
- Oracle repository
- Oracle response to IBM's $1 billion buy of Informix: good read.
- Oracle Service does not start
- Oracle start/stop scripts on AIX
- Oracle tuning sampling duration
- Oracle UPU, named user or site license?
- Oracle vs DB2
- Oracle vs DB2 - Oracle lost on cost
- Oracle Year End???
- Oracle's ftp site
- Oracle's pricing
- ORACLE-L Digest -
- Oracle-L Email Server outage
- Oracle8i Installation problem on Linux
- Oracle9ias
- Oracle9ias -more
- oraCore.log
- orapwd - osoper help needed
- ORAPWD - OSOPER problems
- order by non-unique column, repeatable?
- OT - MIME - outbound prep utility for database appl
- OT - Performance impacts with column and table aliases in SQL Ser
- OT - SRA (proposed Corporate "Social Responsibility Amendment" to the US Constitution)
- OT -- Friday recipe (barely on time)
- OT -- market analysts are afraid of setting SELL recommendations
- OT : Sinclair Petroleum
- OT For you stock hounds out there
- OT off topic: MetaStink
- OT why is there dinosaur statues and evolution of human conciousness
- OT- Metalink : Always when you need it the most
- OT: ASP Assistance
- OT: DB2 forums/listserves
- OT: eBusiness article
- OT: Is there any oracle user group in France ?
- OT: LazyDBA List Owner?
- OT: Prognostications and Timing the Market... was "I'll just go and kill myself..."
- OT: Reading the Oracle Tea Leaves
- OT: shell script to compare nos.
- OT: Unix performance metrics
- Outlines in 8i
- Overlapping date intervals?
- OWS / OAS / iAS cartridge limit
- Parallel index builds can crash
- parallel load performance
- Parallel Query Option
- Parallel Query Question
- Partition by month (NOT INCLUDING YEAR)
- pcscfg.cfg needed
- Peoplesoft (sqr)
- Performance Degradation/anomaly?
- Performance issue
- Perl DBA Tools
- Physical Data Layout
- Pinning Packages Question
- PL/SQL - invail declare of char
- PL/SQL wrappers
- PL/SQL-delete, insert
- PL/SQL-if-statement
- PL/SQL-question
- Please Advice on Performance Tuning
- PLS-00225
- pool package from database
- Prices of the Oracle internet Developer Suite components
- Priv to view package bodies created by other users
- Pro*c Host array.
- Problem in Customer Interface
- Problem opening Oracle Forms
- Problem with database link
- Problem with DBMS_SQL
- Problems with patch on NT/2000
- Problems with hot backup via BCV's...
- Prompt and accept a value inside a procedure
- purged data??
- Q: Oracle Year End???
- Q: v8.1.7: What is the Paging Server ?
- Qualifying columns to improve performance?
- Query question
- Question abount Unique Keys
- Question about PL/SQL-Unix
- Question on lists
- Quote Of The Day
- Real-life Stand-by DB implementation stories?
- Recall: Listener.log
- Recover from noarchive database ?
- Recovery from noarchive db corrected
- Recovery Manager vs. SQL Back Track
- redo for 64Kper file bitmap for locally managed tablespaces
- Redo log size MAX = ?
- redo size and log_checkpoint_interval
- Regarding Data Blocks ...
- REP: Locally Managed Tablespaces
- Report - Installing Oracle on SuSE Linux 7.1
- Report 2.5, how to bring up ' 0 ' when sql query returns null ?
- RES: Compaq Tru64 Kernel Parameters for Oracle
- RevealNet
- Revoke - Alter - Users
- RMAN Backup Size
- rman change delete
- RMAN doubts
- RMAN list command doesn't show any backupsets although backup
- RMAN list command doesn't show any backupsets although backup goe
- RMAN-06004 Error
- Rollback seg for an entire session, not just per tran
- Rollback seg for an entire session, not just per transaction?
- Rollback seg for an entire session, not just per transaction? Implicit commits in PL/SQL?
- Rollback segments not shrinking
- row count in table ?
- run all on one win2000 box: OEM, DB, Forms server [Portal30]
- running oidadmin
- Script for reversing a string? - FYI
- Script to reverse engineer all objects in a schema to DDL?
- script to run before startup
- Seattle- Solid Oracle DBA experience Needed..
- Security related question
- select for update ???
- Select won't work for view create
- Selecting into Var with no recs returned
- send
- Send file with AQ
- Sending attachment in a mail with the Oracle SMTP or TCP pack
- Sending attachment in a mail with the Oracle SMTP or TCP package
- seperate external procedure listeneers for 2 SIDS
- server sizing
- server sizing [NT: need XEON?]
- Services and Oracle Startup - WIN2000
- set dml_lock value without bouncing db?
- shell script for ftp
- shell script to send mail
- shminfo_shmmax
- Should each partition have it's own tablespace and
- Should each partition have it's own tablespace and datafile?
- skipping the <sid>java.sh step in database create
- Slightly OT: Capturing a failed status of an ftp process
- Software Company in Seattle needs an Oracle DBA...
- Solaris Tuning
- SOLVED: Is ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN a time-consuming operation ?
- sort_area_size + temp tablespace extent sizing
- space allocated vs occupied - procedure
- spool command
- spool command: echo not work
- SQL Command to view stored procedure
- sql queries issued to the database
- sql query
- Sql question
- SQL Server basic sources of info?
- sql to oracle migration
- SQL tuning is not a problem anymore ?
- sql*loader default value
- SQL*Net Errors
- SQLLDR - whitespace (tab & space) problem
- Sqlloader
- SQLPLUS hangs
- SQLServer vs. Oracle Papers Needed
- SQLTrace
- Sr. Oracle Financials DBAs Needed in Houston..
- Sseperate external procedure listeneers for 2 SIDS - Correcti
- Sseperate external procedure listeneers for 2 SIDS - Correction
- Standard vs Enterprise
- Standby database : tips and tools
- Standby Database: Tips & Tricks
- Statspack
- Statspack statement - Never split index???
- Stephen Andert's article
- Steve- Sub-optimal RBS query
- Storage technology direction
- Strange Oracle8 varchar2 behaviour.
- stupid DBA
- Subject: Oracle Reports Server?
- Synonym on Standby Database
- Table rows??
- table/index space usage
- Temorary tablespace problem
- Temporarily Renaming the sgadefSID.dbf File
- Temporary Tablespace Design
- Hillman, Alex (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 14:01:45 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 12:21:33 CDT)
- Hallas, John (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 11:27:37 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 10:39:02 CDT)
- Tim Sawmiller (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 10:21:40 CDT)
- Jared Still (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 09:54:07 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 09:49:14 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 09:09:25 CDT)
- Hallas, John (Wed Apr 18 2001 - 06:29:17 CDT)
- paquette stephane (Fri Apr 13 2001 - 02:48:58 CDT)
- Hillman, Alex (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 12:24:28 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 12:18:46 CDT)
- CC Harvest (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 11:51:32 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 11:42:02 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 11:07:10 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 10:24:18 CDT)
- CC Harvest (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 10:19:27 CDT)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 09:08:13 CDT)
- Tim Sawmiller (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 07:23:55 CDT)
- Koivu, Lisa (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 06:55:25 CDT)
- CC Harvest (Thu Apr 12 2001 - 03:32:10 CDT)
- test message
- Test only
- test-plz ignore
- testing RMAN == 2 databases in 1 Machine
- Think you've had a bad day?
- This maybe interesting
- Time for each DB Package
- tirggers
- tkprof for 10046 event
- TNS-12500
- tnsnames problem
- too much space after import
- Trace file does not reside in user_dump_dest. Why ?
- Track Inserted record ?
- Tracking JDBC clients in V$SESSION
- Training a DBA
- transaction recovery error
- TRUTH and versioning
- type# values in sys.obj$ on 8.1.6.
- TZ in AIX
- Unable to Alloc Memory
- Unable to Alloc Memory - SOLVED
- Unable to extend TEMP tablespace
- Unable to open the database,Urgent!!!
- Unemployed ????
- Unix Admin - Looking for HP-Glanceplus doc
- Unix memory used
- Urgent !!! - Database Installation
- URGENT !!! ORA 604
- Urgent - Migration
- Urgent - tnsnames problem..
- Urgent - tnsnames problem..Solved.
- Urgent: Enqueue failed Error
- URGENT: Hot Standby Graceful failover and failback
- Urgent: How to Automate Procedure Execution
- UTL_FILE error
- UTL_FILE Problem Solved
- v$buffer_pool_statistics
- v$session and v$process -- Simple one
- v$sql.rows_processed
- Ver Urgent
- Veritas
- Veritas database edition for Oracle
- Very Urgent -- Please Help
- Viewing current enabled roles
- Virtual circuits
- WAIT info in event10046 raw traces
- WebDB 2.2 on linux 6.2 Oracle 8.1.6
- weird bitmap error
- Weird link problem
- What does _allow_read_only_corruption do?
- What kind of date format?
- Where can I find Information about the MSDOS commands?
- Where can I find real-life-examples about ORACLE
- Where can I find real-life-examples about ORACLE installation
- Where can I find real-life-examples about ORACLE installations?
- Where do I find the patch script on the install CD ?
- Where to handle r
- Where to handle referential integrity and other data
- Which CD?
- which tables to cache ?
- why is there dinosaur statues and evolution of human concious
- WIN2k - Backup
- Win2k Backup
- Windows vs. UNIX
- WINNT-L Digest
- WINNT-L Digest -
- WINNT-L Digest - 29 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-55)
- Winston-Salem, NC- Oracle DBA (some DB2 needed)-Manufacturing
- X$ tables
- x$ksppi table
- XML SQL (XSU) Errors
- Last message date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 22:53:53 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 08:49:19 CST