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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re:RE: OT: Reading the Oracle Tea Leaves
I've heard of it. Never seen it work well...
when my (several jobs) prior company wanted to outsource us, they realized quickly that the intangible costs of outsourcing (loss of knowledge, user/tech relationships, etc) far outweighed the savings in dollars. They killed the project.
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
>Subject: Re:RE: OT: Reading the Oracle Tea Leaves
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 06:41:27 -0800
>Now come on guys, We're already dinosaurs, ever hear of 'outsourcing'??
>Dick Goulet
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Author: "Jack C. Applewhite" <>
>Date: 4/26/2001 5:55 AM
>Past history forces me to disagree. If it takes Oracle as long to
>AutoTuning as it has to "perfect" the Cost Based Optimizer, DBAs will
>continue to be in demand for decades to come!
>Jack C. Applewhite
>Database Administrator/Developer
>OCP Oracle8 DBA
>iNetProfit, Inc.
>Austin, Texas
> >>> ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU 04/25/01 06:36PM >>>
>I foresee the database being sold as a turn key product configured by
>at a reduced price. In order to receive the discount the purchaser would
>have to agree not to mess with the init<SID>.ora parameters, nor take any
>action which would enable or disable any database options. "What?!, not
>change init.ora parameters", you scoff. Remember that Oracle 9i has some
>autotuning capability. I expect, at first, autotuning will not work as
>advertised, but over time will mature into a powerful product.
>Ian MacGregor
>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
>Author: Jack C. Applewhite
>Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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>Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
>San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Rachel Carmichael INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 11:11:17 CDT
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