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RE: OT RE: Select won't work for view create

From: Kevin Kostyszyn <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 11:31:40 -0700
Message-ID: <>

but it makes you look so cool, smooth and important!!!

  <FONT face=Tahoma
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From:   []On Behalf Of Koivu, LisaSent:   Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:12 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list   ORACLE-LSubject: RE: OT RE: Select won't work for view   create
  right!  Someone in the office of our new parent company had too much time   on his hands...   

    <FONT face=Tahoma
    size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Mohan, Ross     []Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:47     PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: OT     RE: Select won't work for view create     Yea, I noticed
    face="Courier New"> 
    Lisa musta gotta
    face="Courier New"> 
    face="Courier New">(congrats!)
    <BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr
    style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">

      <FONT face="Times New Roman" 
      size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Kevin Kostyszyn 
      []Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:27 
      PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: 
      RE: Select won't work for view create
      <FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
      size=2>Now that is one fancy signature!

<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: []On Behalf Of Koivu, LisaSent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:03 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE: Select won't work for view create
class=768480816-05042001>Hi Dan,
class=768480816-05042001>are you referencing public synonyms in your statement?
class=768480816-05042001><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff size=2> 
<TABLE style="mso-cellspacing: 0in; mso-padding-alt: 0in 0in 0in 0in"
cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top colSpan=2> <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 15pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Papyrus; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">Lisa Rutland Koivu<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 'Monotype Corsiva'"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Oracle Database<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><IMG id=_x0000_i1026 height=20 src="" width=1 border=0 NOSEND="1"><IMG id=_x0000_i1027 height=26 alt=NeoMedia src="" width=135 border=0 NOSEND="1"><IMG id=_x0000_i1028 height=2 src="" width=1 border=0 NOSEND="1">4850 N. State Rd. 7, #G104 <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33319 <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Phone: 954.484.3191 <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Fax: 954.484.2933 <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><A href=""><A href=""><A href=""><IMG id=_x0000_i1029 height=20 src="" width=1 border=0 NOSEND="1"> <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in"> <A href=""><IMG id=_x0000_i1030 height=37 alt="P a p e r C l i c k . c o m" src="" width=63 border=0 NOSEND="1"> <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in">   <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none; mso-hide: all"> <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in"> <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; WIDTH: 45pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in" width=60>       <FONT face=Tahoma size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Dasko, Dan []Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:36 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: Select won't work for view create <SPAN class=755183615-05042001>I have a select that works fine.  However, it doesn't work fine when I try to create a view of the result set.  There is nothing particularly fancy about the query, just a plethora of outer joins from the main table to the secondary tables.  I get an error back about one of the tables not existing, but like I said, it works as a select, just not as a create view as ...  <SPAN class=755183615-05042001>  <SPAN class=755183615-05042001>FWIW Oracle 8.0.6 on DG-UX <SPAN class=755183615-05042001>  <SPAN class=755183615-05042001>Dan
Received on Thu Apr 05 2001 - 13:31:40 CDT

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