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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Help - How to declare a cursor inside a FOR ... LOOP ?
probably right, I think I got stuck on the whole DECLARE BEGIN EXCEPTION END
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Streeter, Lerone A LBX
[]Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 4:36
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
Help - How to declare a cursor inside a FOR ... LOOP ?
speak from ignorance, isn't there implicit and explicit cursor declarations
and usage? can't you encapsulate that section you have identified in a
loop and it will implicitly opens a cursor? then all you have to do is
manipulate as needed to generate desired results...
===========================================LeroneStreeterSystem AnalystAbbott
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Dasko, Dan
[]Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 3:41
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
Help - How to declare a cursor inside a FOR ... LOOP ?
class=869183918-03042001>You can't. It appears that you want to select
all the detailed text extries related to a specific problem. You could
define a cursor that selects all the detailed entries, or you could read all
the detailed entries into a pl/sql table and then search through them.
If you use the cursor, then you have to reopen the cursor for each new
<FONT face=Tahoma size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Wendy Y []Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 2:51 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: Help - How to declare a cursor inside a FOR ... LOOP ? Hey, Guys: I need to decalre a cursor inside a FOR .. LOOP, because the variables in SELECT statement for the CURSOR are coming from FOR .. LOOP. How could I do this? DECLARE V_AKTIV_NR aktiv.AKTIV_NR%TYPE; V_PROBLEM aktiv.PROBLEM%TYPE; V_ENDDAT aktiv.ENDDAT%TYPE; V_ENDUHR aktiv.ENDUHR%TYPE; V_AUSSAGEW aktiv.AUSSAGEW%TYPE; V_LANGTEXT aktiv.LANGTEXT%TYPE; V_LONGTEXT VARCHAR2(20000); V_LONGTEXT_CUR VARCHAR2(13000); V_LONGTEXT_TRIM VARCHAR2(2000); p_PROBLEM PROBLEM.PROBLEM%TYPE; ############# This part need to be inside FOR.. LOOP, otherwise, I wouldn't get anything. CURSOR AKLangTextCur IS SELECT TO_CHAR(V_ENDDAT, 'YYYYMMDD')||' '|| V_ENDUHR||' '|| rtrim(V_AUSSAGEW)||' '|| rtrim(V_LANGTEXT) thisText FROM AKTIV WHERE V_PROBLEM = p_PROBLEM ORDER BY Aktiv_NR; AKLangTextRec AKLangTextCur%ROWTYPE; ################################### <FONT size=2>AboveBEGIN FOR v_LoopIndex IN 1..pkgFreeText.v_NumEntries LOOP V_AKTIV_NR := pkgFreeText.V_AKTIV_NR_P(v_LoopIndex); V_PROBLEM := pkgFreeText.V_PROBLEM_P(v_LoopIndex); V_ENDDAT := pkgFreeText.V_ENDDAT_P(v_LoopIndex); V_ENDUHR := pkgFreeText.V_ENDUHR_P(v_LoopIndex); V_AUSSAGEW := pkgFreeText.V_AUSSAGEW_P(v_LoopIndex); V_LANGTEXT := pkgFreeText.V_LANGTEXT_P(v_LoopIndex); SELECT PROBLEM INTO p_PROBLEM FROM PROBLEM; ########## CURSOR DECLARE should be HERE ########## BEGIN OPEN AKLangTextCur; LOOP FETCH AKLangTextCur into AKLangTextRec; EXIT WHEN AKLangTextCur%NOTFOUND; V_LONGTEXT_CUR := V_LONGTEXT_CUR ||AKLangTextRec.thisText; END LOOP; CLOSE AKLangTextCur; END; V_LONGTEXT := V_LONGTEXT || V_LONGTEXT_CUR; END LOOP; V_LONGTEXT_TRIM := RTRIM(V_LONGTEXT, 2000); Thanks a lot for help Wendy Do You Yahoo!?<A href="">Yahoo! Mail Personal Address - Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. _____________________________________________________________________This e-mail message has been scanned for the presence of all known computer viruses by the MessageLabs Virus Control Center. However, it is still recommended that you use local virus scanning software to monitor for the presence of viruses. _____________________________________________________________________Thise-mail message has been scanned for the presence of all known computer viruses by the MessageLabs Virus Control Center. However, it is still recommended that you use local virus scanning software to monitor for the presence of viruses. Received on Tue Apr 03 2001 - 14:47:03 CDT
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