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(Fwd) [Kent Graziano] ODTUG Meets with Oracle!

From: Eric D. Pierce <>
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 11:42:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Dear List Users:

I am pleased to report to you that the ODTUG board had a fantastic kick-off meeting for 2001 that included a session with some your favorite Oracle Corporation VPs. We were pleased to have Sohaib Abbasi (Senior VP), Marco Tilli, Ian Fisher, Bill Dwight, and Daryl Porter in attendance to discuss how the user group and the Tools division can work together this year. As a result of this meeting, you can expect to see the following:

· Participation by Oracle in our conference, with most of the above VPs
giving at least one presentation.

· Participation in the ODTUG enhancement request (ER) system by the
VPs and their product managers. The VPs enthusiastically pledged to become active in reviewing the ERs submitted by our members using our new Oracle
Portal-based system.

· Distribution of JDeveloper 9i beta CDs to our members (probably
details pending).

· Creation of a white paper/case study on using the new SCM features of
Designer, to be written by the Oracle U.K. Repository team.

· Development of surveys throughout the year from the various Oracle
product teams about how you, our members, are using the tools. These surveys will be distributed by ODTUG.

We were all in agreement that these results will provide a win-win for Oracle and ODTUG. ODTUG members will get tools to demo and information on how to more effectively use those tools. Oracle, in return, will get valuable information (via the ER system and surveys) to help them in their product direction and development.

Even with all the recent turmoil in the market, it looks to be a great year for ODTUG. If you want to be part of all this and you are not a member, let me take this opportunity to invite you join now so you can use your discount to go to this year's conference in San Diego, California. Go to our Web site at to sign up online for both a membership and the conference.

See you in San Diego!

Kent Graziano
President, ODTUG

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