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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Off Topic: Unix shell problem
Fourth time and counting !!!!
Bugger, I've just sent it a fifth..........
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 26 April 2001 08:21
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hello all,
Ihave the following script, called as tst. When the script is executed as,
tst, then every thing is okay, but when it is executed as . tst, then I get the error:-
sh: SHLIB_PATH: Parameter not set.
I need to use the following format that is . .profile, as in above case as . tst
The reason why I am doing above is because the SHLIB_PATH is not set properly, I get heaps of problems. If the SHLIB_PATH is not set, I just want to set it to say $HOME.
Please reply as this is urgent.
Thanks and Regards,
The script follows:-
#!/bin/sh # echo echo echo Start Test echo echo uname -a = `uname -a` echo First check what happens if you try and set SHLIB_PATH echo and there is no initial setting unset SHLIB_PATH echo First what is its value? echo SHLIB_PATH = $SHLIB_PATH echo Now lets set it to default:123 SHLIB_PATH="$SHLIB_PATH:123" echo OK what is the value now? echo SHLIB_PATH = $SHLIB_PATH echo echo Now lets reset the value to nothing unset SHLIB_PATH echo Check value echo SHLIB_PATH = $SHLIB_PATH echo Now do what is in our script.... if [ -z "${SHLIB_PATH}" ]; then echo It has no current default value SHLIB_PATH="${HOME}" else echo It has a default path of $SHLIB_PATH SHLIB_PATH="${HOME}:${SHLIB_PATH}" fi echo So what is our final result? echo SHLIB_PATH = $SHLIB_PATH
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