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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> AW: db link hangs
We have the same problem using database links between two 8.1.6 instances
on NT.
The frequency it happens ( from 2-3 times a day to weekly ) seems to
depend on the amount of data affected on the remote site.
As we use DBMS_JOB for regularly starting our tasks we encounter no
max processes overflow, but the bad thing is, that the local session
keeps waiting forever for a response from the remote partner session,
thereby preventing the next scheduled job to start.
This was quite embarrassing, because we're using the dblink to load a huge amount of data into a data warehouse, and the hangs occurred mostly during the weekends, when nobody was in.
Our DBAs contacted Oracle, who told us, they could neither reproduce this strange behaviour, nor provide a solution.
Our quick and dirty approach uses a "watchdog"
( a shell script using SQL*PLUS and PL/SQL ) started periodically
by the cron scheduler on a Linux machine.
( Sure, you on MS platforms you could use the AT command.
Even a special Oracle job could be used for this,
but we wanted to avoid the risk of getting the "watchdog"
invalid / paralyzing our little guard. The Linux machine has got an
power supply too and
<LINUX HYPE> keeps running and running and running stable </LINUX HYPE> )
Using v$session ,v$sesstat and v$statname we collect and compare each job's individual execution count statistics. If a statistic value remains unchanged ( indicating a "hang" in our case) over a certain period ( loop with delay using DBMS_LOCK.sleep) , we use the hanging job's SID and SERIAL# to execute an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION. To ensure that no other (e.g.: interactive idle ) session will be killed, we tagged the jobs with a special string ( e.g. '@@@watchdog@@@' ) using the Oracle supplied package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO procedures to get and set the tags for those "watched" sessions.
So eventually after a timeout period, the hanging jobs get killed, thereby enabling the next scheduled job to be started.
In case someone is interested in getting the script, just reply and I'll post it.
> ----------
> Von:[]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. April 2001 14:45
> An: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Betreff: db link hangs
> AIX 4.3
> RDBMS 8.1.6.x
> We have a problem using a db link. The listener-side server port (1521)
> is
> hanging. This happens about once a week - and ends up crashing the far
> database
> because queries through the link just hang and don't return - then we die
> with a
> max processes error.
> Has anyone else had any problems with this? How did you solve it? Can I
> (should I) get the Oracle listener to listen on more than one port? What
> are
> some other ways to solve the problem?
> PS: I can connect and query the table when logged in locally. Other
> connections (not using 1521) work to the server. netstat (and telnet to
> 1521)
> shows only connections thru 1521 are a problem.
> thanks,
> ..tom
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