like borker's trolling.
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Adams, Matthew (GEA, 088130)
[mailto:MATT.ADAMS_at_APPL.GE.COM]Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 9:46
AMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
Off Topic: OracleTuning.com call for papers
I not saying this is not on the level, but when I
see somebody talking about Oracle and using the
name "scott tiger", I just have to wonder
"Is that really his real name?"
- R. Matt Adams - GE
Appliances - matt.adams_at_appl.ge.com Meddle not
in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and
quick to anger.
> -----Original Message----- >
From: OracleTuning Staff [<A
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:36 PM <FONT
size=2>> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <FONT
size=2>> Subject: Off Topic: OracleTuning.com call for papers
> > <FONT
size=2>> Greeting List, > <FONT
size=2>> OracleTuning.com is a free Oracle Fan and Resource site. If
> you submit an >
article, script or whitepaper and we publish it on our site <FONT
size=2>> you will be > listed as a contributor.
Additionally, you will have the > option of loading
a > personal web page on the site where you can
detail your background and > abilities. This
is a great oppurtunity as the job market softens. >
> Best, >
> Scott Tiger >
www.OracleTuning.com > >
> > <FONT
size=2>> -- > Please see the official ORACLE-L
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href="http://www.orafaq.com">http://www.orafaq.com <FONT
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Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 09:35:43 CDT