I'm theorising here..
It may well be version related... I know in
they've zero'd out a few of the figures in this view
(possibly due to bugs in the way they were calculated
in versions previous)
I'm on and the figures seem fine to date...
- Djordje Jankovic <djankovic_at_corp.attcanada.ca>
wrote: > Hi,
> The physical_reads, db_block_gets, consistent_gets
> fields in
> v$buffer_pool_statistics have strange values, so if
> the Hit ratio is
> calculated according to the usual formula the result
> is
> -120. I hope it is not that bad ;-).
> For the KEEP pool everything is OK.
> Any idea, what is wrong there ? The database has
> not been so long up for
> numbers to wrap around the maximum.
> SQL> select name BufferPool
> 2 , physical_reads, db_block_gets,
> consistent_gets
> 3 from sys.v$buffer_pool_statistics
> 4 /
> -------------------- -------------- -------------
> ---------------
> KEEP 361 9,953,228
> 19,849,8415
> DEFAULT 2,150,451,312 202,265,542
> 769,364,625
> SQL> select name BufferPool
> 2 ,
> HitRatio
> 3 from sys.v$buffer_pool_statistics
> 4 /
> -------------------- ----------
> KEEP 99.9998269
> DEFAULT -120.58298
> I have also run Steve Adams's
> script and
> got the similar weird result:
> -------------------- ---------
> DEFAULT 219.09%
> KEEP 0.00%
> So, I guess the problem is in the outlining data.
> In the v$sysstat the numbers for physical reads, and
> db block gets are
> similar, but the number for the "consistent gets"
> defers a lot (approx. 60
> times). There the hit ratio is not that good but at
> least makes sense:
> column BlockGets format 999,999,999,999 heading
> "Block Gets"
> column ConsGets format 999,999,999,999 heading
> "Consistent Gets"
> column PhysReads format 999,999,999,999 heading
> "Physical Reads"
> column BuffCache format 999.999 heading
> "Buffer Cache Ratio"
> select BlockGets.value BlockGets
> , ConsGets.value ConsGets
> , PhysReads.value PhysReads
> , 100*(1 -
> PhysReads.value/(BlockGets.value+ConsGets.value))
> BuffCache
> from v$sysstat BlockGets
> , v$sysstat ConsGets
> , v$sysstat PhysReads
> where BlockGets.name = 'db block gets'
> and ConsGets.name = 'consistent gets'
> and PhysReads.name = 'physical reads'
> /
> Block Gets Consistent Gets Physical Reads
> Buffer Cache Ratio
> ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
> ------------------
> 235,191,957 12,077,935,459 2,177,467,949
> 82.316
> Thanks.
> Djordje Jankovic
> --
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> Author: Djordje Jankovic
> INET: djankovic_at_corp.attcanada.ca
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Received on Thu Apr 05 2001 - 05:32:12 CDT