I have 29 physical disks on Sun Solaris 2.8(just
to SA). And they are all striped. But I have only 1
logical drive. So I cannot stripe on the Oracle side.
I have 4 CPUs. And I have a big database with 20GB.
And that's a static table, but we have intensive
selects on this one(It's our customer info table, and
we have to do segmentation from different dimension).
Thank you all for the input.
Chris Harvest.
- K Gopalakrishnan <kaygopal_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi !
> Can you tell me how many CPUs you have and
> the number of PHYSICAL DISKs
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 9:41 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> I am trying to tune a 30GB database and to configure
> the initSID.ora files to use PQO. From my
> understand,
> they are some back requirements: multiple CPUs of
> the
> machine, stripe the tablespace datafiles, etc. If I
> only have 3 disk drive, do I have to stripe the
> datafiles to 3 disks, index files to 3 disks? Anyone
> has the real example of initSID.ora file to share?
> Thanks,
> Chris Harvest
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