Hi Viraj,
It looks to me like your clearing the value of $SHLIB_PATH (unset
SHLIB_PATH) then using $SHLIB_PATH to set the value of SHLIB_PATH. Since
it is empty to begin with the value will be null. In a shell script if you
run it from a user's current shell (in your case by executing tst) the
script picks up your current environment (therefore SHLIB_PATH is whatever
initial value is set from the user's .profile). But if you run . tst the
script gets it's environment from the script itself with all variables set
to null until initialized. You must make $SHLIB_PATH equal to some value
within the script before it can be used.
- Viraj Luthra <viraj999_at_lycos.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Ihave the following script, called as tst. When the script is executed
> as,
> tst, then every thing is okay, but when it is executed as . tst, then I
> get the error:-
> sh: SHLIB_PATH: Parameter not set.
> I need to use the following format that is
> . .profile, as in above case as . tst
> The reason why I am doing above is because the SHLIB_PATH is not set
> properly, I get heaps of problems. If the SHLIB_PATH is not set, I just
> want to set it to say $HOME.
> Please reply as this is urgent.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Raja
> ======================================
> The script follows:-
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> echo
> echo
> echo Start Test
> echo
> echo uname -a = `uname -a`
> echo First check what happens if you try and set SHLIB_PATH
> echo and there is no initial setting
> unset SHLIB_PATH
> echo First what is its value?
> echo Now lets set it to default:123
> echo OK what is the value now?
> echo
> echo Now lets reset the value to nothing
> unset SHLIB_PATH
> echo Check value
> echo Now do what is in our script....
> if [ -z "${SHLIB_PATH}" ]; then
> echo It has no current default value
> else
> echo It has a default path of $SHLIB_PATH
> fi
> echo So what is our final result?
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> http://businesscards.lycos.com/vp/fastpath/
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> Author: Viraj Luthra
> INET: viraj999_at_lycos.com
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 10:43:34 CDT